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I can't beleive the police are so strict!

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Actually i fully agree with the police, if you arn't able to keep firearms with the utmost care and responsibility you shouldn't own them, i bet his kitchen door was unlocked as well, anyone could have saw them through the windows and grabbed them.


It's idiots like him who give shooters who follow all the rules to the letter a bad name.

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Had he been awake and the guns in front of him on the table, then fine it would be an overreaction. The fact that he is asleep and they are left on open display with easy access should anyone be walking by is quite frankly unacceptable.


Not difficult to put them away is it.

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I suppose if he fell asleep with the intention of falling asleep and left the guns on the table then it is fair do's but l have sat in a chair before after a heavy day at work with the intention of doing something seated (not gun related) and woken up 40 odd minutes later groggy as h311 after falling asleep unintentionally! This is the kind of scenario lm wondering might have happened which if it was is just plain bad luck. Perhaps there is more to the story?


cheer Callum

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In a world of common sence and fairness the copper would have given the bloke a bloody good bollocking and told him the consequences if anything like that ever happened again. Considering the bloke would loose his job and no doubt his home, which wouuld'nt take much working out.

Unfortunatly we no longer live in that world and the police are just a bunch of box ticking drones void of common sence or disgression.


By the way, I don't even leave my air rifles laying around so don't think I don't agree it was a daft thing to do.



Edited by shepp
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I fully agree i never leave my guns out always clean them the minute i get in then lock them away this should be done as a matter of course by everyone who holds a licence

It's not always possible to do this if you've come in from shooting in cold weather (most of the year in Scotland). The gun needs to be allowed to come back to room temperature (out of sight and action removed of course), before storing, to prevent issues with condensation

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Difficult one this.


We are all human, we all make silly mistakes but how many of us can honestly say with hand on heart that after a cold wet days shooting, the first thing we do is clean the gun and put it straight back in to a cabinet, my guess is no one!


In the first instance, putting a cold gun back in to a warm cabinet is a recipe for disaster at any rate. In the second, most rifle shooters like to let the barrel soak over night.


Did the keeper remove the bolt on the rifle? The forend on the shotgun? Are we really seeing all the facts, was it that he had put the guns on the table and cleaned the guns, leaving them to reach room temp before storage. Who knows.


Bottom line is that the police had cause for concern, which is sufficient warning to the guilty amongst us.




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I fully agree i never leave my guns out always clean them the minute i get in then lock them away this should be done as a matter of course by everyone who holds a licence

It's not always possible to do this if you've come in from shooting in cold weather (most of the year in Scotland). The gun needs to be allowed to come back to room temperature (out of sight and action removed of course), before storing, to prevent issues with condensation



Noticed your also from the Western Isles mate

Whereabouts do you shoot?


cheers Callum



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I fully agree i never leave my guns out always clean them the minute i get in then lock them away this should be done as a matter of course by everyone who holds a licence

It's not always possible to do this if you've come in from shooting in cold weather (most of the year in Scotland). The gun needs to be allowed to come back to room temperature (out of sight and action removed of course), before storing, to prevent issues with condensation



Noticed your also from the Western Isles mate

Whereabouts do you shoot?


cheers Callum

Hi Callum


Just shoot on the croft but it's an interesting and very safe 14 acres or so. Had a serious rabbit problem last year but under control (for now).



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Theres is nothing wrong with what the police have done here. Its a duty for all shotgun/rifle certificate owners to lock up their guns when not in use. If they arnt being used/cleaned or repaired then they must be in the owners safe out of the reach of criminals or thieves. He should have known better!

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I will be interested to see what the final outcome is........will he get to keep his certificates and his job etc...?



He did wrong but i agree that the circumstances of him falling asleep have a massive bearing..........as stated if he fell off whilst sat contemplating cleaning them thats different to thinking i will have an hour then clean them......if I had been the person (polcie or not) to find him and them like that i would have given hima severe bollocking and made him sort them out.....


sadly as has also been stated the police aren't allowed to use discretion anymore and have to report everything.....there was a time in the not so distant past that more rollockings were given and people made to apologise and make right

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