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What would you use to fill the pot?

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my mate gets me more ferreted rabbits than i can cope with i do a swop spare rabbits for pheasant and pigeon from a neighbour who shoots ... i get pig and lamb from a farmer for doin his pest control goats milk from next door veg from the father in laws allotment apples out my orchard mushrooms out the field at the back -- feck knows why my mrs needs house keeping money ...

Edited by the_stig
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Traps would probably be best if it was survival based. Don't need feeding etc and can catch game when your not there, they are always working. A decent snare / trap line should always feed you and your family. :thumbs: But i'd get a dog and ferrets as that's just more fun.

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My hands :laugh:

No really, mainly Whippet/Greyhound then Bull/Greyhound then .243 then ferrets then arterial roads then I have to give the rest away as I only have three chest freezers :thumbs: .

I forgot my rod and line and shotgun. I don't use my air rifle vely much, especially to fill the freezer as rats don't get eaten much here nowadays.

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id like to take up fishing

im rearing my own pigs this year

growing a lot of my own veg and potatoes

have eggs from my own hens ducks and geese

meat from surplus roosters/drakes/ganders

venison from when i go out with the lads shooting

turf from the bog for burning as fuel for the house

wood for lighting the fire from my own trees

soft fruits from my own cultivated bushes

and im thinking of making my own beer and wine this year

looking into the idea of growing tobacco for my husband

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id like to take up fishing

im rearing my own pigs this year

growing a lot of my own veg and potatoes

have eggs from my own hens ducks and geese

meat from surplus roosters/drakes/ganders

venison from when i go out with the lads shooting

turf from the bog for burning as fuel for the house

wood for lighting the fire from my own trees

soft fruits from my own cultivated bushes

and im thinking of making my own beer and wine this year

looking into the idea of growing tobacco for my husband

now thats, self sufficient !!!..... :notworthy:


all the best,

jay. :thumbs:

Edited by jayjay
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Im glad I asked this topic... tis turning out to be quite interesting!


I dont have a leggy dog so he is out the question, plus i think he'd eat whatever he caught!


Had a couple of pheasant with my catty


Looking into buying an air rifle to take, rabbits, squirrel and pigeon







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