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A very Late Night

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Went out lamping on a rather newish permission that me and my friends have. I ferreted on it about 4 years ago when i first discovered ferreting but forgot about it, rather stupid actually because its 750 acres haha. But my and my 3 mates arranged a night to lamp and cover the whole farm. I had me .22lr friend number 2 had his 17hmr and my other mate had his 22lr Ruger, the fourth was driver lamper. We took turns in shooting and made it as safe as we could.


We started off by me and the driver/lamper turning up at the farm and letting the owner know that we would be lamping tonight, as it was in the middle of lambing i asked if she had any problems with foxes. She quickly replied with a very long and detailed answer which she told us when and where the foxs had attacked the lambs. So i took in ever detail and wanted to cure the problem as she was having a bad time the buggers.


So, me and my mate left the farm to meet the other too at the village square, but on the way down i lamped the lambing fields just incase mr.fox was present, wheni saw this black shadow running up the hedge. Stop the L200 straight away and got the rifle out, loaded up, got onto the bonnet and started calling suing my mouth with a very high pitched mouse squeak. The fox came into 40yards and a 40grain winchester sub dropped him on the spot, with no kicking and no fuse. It was a text book shot. So we retrieved fox and went down to meet the boys.


Got back to the farm after picking up the boys and started. Through out the night we have some good shots on rabbits and also some bad ones. We called another fox but he/she would not come in, he/she stood about 130 yards below us as we were on a hill and it must have scented us and was very wary about out presence. We carried on lamping, shooting many rabbits and got so carried away with the enjoyment and excitement that we did not realize the time 4.00am haha. One lad had work the next day and was moaning and complaining that he had to get up at 6.15 the next day, so we ended the night and dropped the other two off at the village square where they made their way home. Me and the driver had not had enough and were buzzing, so we went to one of my other farms and shot another 4 rabbits there.


I got back through my door at 5.15am and the only thing that kept me from staying out was hunger, we were starving haha.


Intotal we had 24 rabbits, 1 fox and 1 hare. (Dont complain over the long ears, this was taken during a stalking session before going out lamping and the land owner wanted them gone)



So a very good night for us, we all enjoyed it and can see a few late nights to come haha, hope you enjoyed guys, heres a pic!


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