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Hello to you all.


I am new to this site, I have kept lurchers for a few years now mainly collie crosses. I have a young deerhound x collie greyhound he is 15 months old, He is a brilliant dog , fantastic laid back tempermant but has a high prey drive.


I have just been doing a little rough work with him with my friends terriers at the minute until the season starts again, and I am conserned about the dogs stamina.


He will have three or four good runs and a bit of rough hunting on his own and he is ready to collapse, If put back on the lead for 5 mins he is ready to go again. Meanwile the other lurcher is whippet bedlington and will keep going all night.


I was wondering if anyone has had experiences with this cross before and could offer any advice on this matter and maybe a possible solution.



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think theres only 1 way to clarify the issue of stamina give him the ultimate test for a working lurcher for speed/stamina ;)

15 month you say should be as good as ready to tackle the mighty he's obviously killing rabbit no probs yeah

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At this time of year even the nights are too warm for most dogs. Especially a big dog like yours. Don't forget, dog's can't sweat like we can: only through their tongues and their pads. I've been walking mine late evening and even then a few runs and they're panting like mad.

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Hello to you all.


I am new to this site, I have kept lurchers for a few years now mainly collie crosses. I have a young deerhound x collie greyhound he is 15 months old, He is a brilliant dog , fantastic laid back tempermant but has a high prey drive.


I have just been doing a little rough work with him with my friends terriers at the minute until the season starts again, and I am conserned about the dogs stamina.


He will have three or four good runs and a bit of rough hunting on his own and he is ready to collapse, If put back on the lead for 5 mins he is ready to go again. Meanwile the other lurcher is whippet bedlington and will keep going all night.


I was wondering if anyone has had experiences with this cross before and could offer any advice on this matter and maybe a possible solution.





Hi mate.


Same as you,i have dh/gh & beddy/whippet x whippet.The big lad does get a lot hotter & suffers with heat more in the summer.I don't think it's so much a lack of stamina as both dogs will go all night.Just the dh/gh needs to stop & cool down more.Beddy/whippet just goes on & on & on.I personally think the Beddy/whippet is more a problem as he'd run himself into the ground if you let him.It's funny,the only time he gets tired is when it's time to go home.





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i have a deerhound bull x grey, and this time of yr knackers the dog up completely, he is a fair lump of a dog and it effects the bigger dogs quicker than the little x's bud, dont worry about it, wait till the season they soon come rightthumbs.gif

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also bigger dog like deerhound take longer 2 develope ,normally a dog would have had full lung capasty at 16/18months with bigger breed like deerhound could be 20/22 months ,is the dog rough or smooth coated that could also be a facter ,i,ve got 3 bull/deehound/grey and they all different running wise but can still do hard nights lamping or long moochers

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i have a deerhound bull x grey, and this time of yr knackers the dog up completely, he is a fair lump of a dog and it effects the bigger dogs quicker than the little x's bud, dont worry about it, wait till the season they soon come rightthumbs.gif



also bigger dog like deerhound take longer 2 develope ,normally a dog would have had full lung capasty at 16/18months with bigger breed like deerhound could be 20/22 months ,is the dog rough or smooth coated that could also be a facter ,i,ve got 3 bull/deehound/grey and they all different running wise but can still do hard nights lamping or long moochers



Like you say,idon't think it's anything to worry about.Two different syle & size of dog.Yes they'll all suffer more this time of year,but thats to be expected.

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