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We held our annual show last weekend and the attendance nubers were very low.Now, i know we're at a time when moneys tight and every pennys a prisioner,But i would just like to know if all the shows are taking a hit.I support as many shows as i possibly can in Scotland and the north of England.And the general view is that especially in Scotland there arent enough shows.(we've lost two this year alone)Anyone who runs a show knows the time,effort and money it takes,so why arent the shows getting any support??Im not talking 1or2 people,im taking half the amount as previous years.I would just like to know your views,Boys down south and over the water as well.Rant over.clachan :thumbdown::thumbdown:

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The amount of dick heads that turn up to the shows are enough to put me off

Clashes with the Westmeath show ,which a lot of guys are showing an interest in going over to .

the problem is theres too many shows, and most shows cut corners by having unknown judges or chargeing mad money to go in the gate. price of diesal is ridiculously high so people are being more particular. im only going to 1 show this year, the one with the best craic, the best dogs and the best judges. cant be arsed with going to another gamefair, they are so expensive and all the atrractions seem to be pretty much the same every year.

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  On 09/06/2011 at 13:37, clachan said:

We held our annual show last weekend and the attendance nubers were very low.Now, i know we're at a time when moneys tight and every pennys a prisioner,But i would just like to know if all the shows are taking a hit.I support as many shows as i possibly can in Scotland and the north of England.And the general view is that especially in Scotland there arent enough shows.(we've lost two this year alone)Anyone who runs a show knows the time,effort and money it takes,so why arent the shows getting any support??Im not talking 1or2 people,im taking half the amount as previous years.I would just like to know your views,Boys down south and over the water as well.Rant over.clachan :thumbdown::thumbdown:

i think you should no the answer,s ? i went to nearlly every show in scotland and the border,s over the years prizes are not up to much ? fuel price is crazy ? and there is alot of pal,s acts go on fact ? which puts people of reason i have been to one in selkirk this year only went to try and get a vetran with my old dog might be the last one :thumbdown:
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all the shows ave been to this year have been quite poor turnouts especially in scotland whether its the prices in fuel etc a dont know but personally a think some show organisers should do abit more by getting some good/fair/honest judges no pals act crap like some that a have been just puts people off going to the next one and some proper trophys and rossettes wouldnt go wrong to make people more interested in showing its abit a fun at the end of the day :thumbs:

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dont think it should have anything to do with prizes...but feel that in scotland you have such a vast area that shows are along way to get to .whereas down south especially with the hunt shows we are so more populated that theres pretty much always one on the doorstep......but on the flip side of things a guy said to me that more and more people are buying the show type from a handful of breeders so that those who are sticking to their own dogs are wondering why they bother taking part

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wont be going to scone this year fuel and ticket gona cost me £40 before i even buy a burger plus its the same old kak every year . might go to the galloway show least the tickets £5 cheaper and they got lurcher/terrier racing . will be going to the faifley show just up the road would rather see local dogs and give my pennies to these guys :thumbs:

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i did over 50 shows one year and i know some still do -- i would`nt do it now due to fuel cost -- thr is a trend for some judges to play safe and put the same dogs up week in week out -- once a dog starts winning a few some judges wont differ and you do get a reguler little group winning shows it gets to the point where you can almost name the winners from show to show -- so people soon give up ... i won 3 shows 3 weeks on the trot one year under the same judge :doh: i did one show total terriers in the whole show 14 ... people arnt gonna go if they dont get among the prizes- to many shows dates clash to many champion of champion of champion shows these days to many big championship shows that carry little meaning .. try this at your shows best entered dog best entered bitch best entered in show -- dog entered in the main show are excluded from these classes give em decent prizes and do a champion of champions end of season ... i dont know what the answer is to getting attendances up - shows just dont mean as much as they used to -- specialy to the working lads ..

Edited by the_stig
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  On 09/06/2011 at 15:47, donnyc said:

Hope ours is well attended this year..Guaranteed good prize money BUT most important the JUDGE will show NO FAVOURS AT ALL Thats a promise :thumbs:

do you think the judges play a part in numbers being down don ...
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  On 09/06/2011 at 15:59, eli said:

chatsworth 17 qid this year

always pisses me off when you have to pay to get in the big shows just to be part of the show -- you dont get chance to look round - i wrote a letter to the organisers of the east anglian game fair one year and asked if the 40 members of the police marching band had paid to be part of the show ..i got a refund :victory:
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  On 09/06/2011 at 14:23, terrier.2 said:

dont think it should have anything to do with prizes...but feel that in scotland you have such a vast area that shows are along way to get to .whereas down south especially with the hunt shows we are so more populated that theres pretty much always one on the doorstep......but on the flip side of things a guy said to me that more and more people are buying the show type from a handful of breeders so that those who are sticking to their own dogs are wondering why they bother taking part

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  On 09/06/2011 at 15:51, the_stig said:
  On 09/06/2011 at 15:47, donnyc said:

Hope ours is well attended this year..Guaranteed good prize money BUT most important the JUDGE will show NO FAVOURS AT ALL Thats a promise :thumbs:

do you think the judges play a part in numbers being down don ...

i think the judge is the most important factor..we do only one show a year and it takes us all year to come up with a fair chap...its a nightmare trying to get someone away from the area(which is asking alot of the judge to travel a fair distance) but also someone that has nt judged all year so that there is no pre-judgement....stig you sound like the right man..any chance?

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  On 09/06/2011 at 15:51, the_stig said:
  On 09/06/2011 at 15:47, donnyc said:

Hope ours is well attended this year..Guaranteed good prize money BUT most important the JUDGE will show NO FAVOURS AT ALL Thats a promise :thumbs:

do you think the judges play a part in numbers being down don ...

Yes to a degree..Like round here last couple of years ..Judge (1) puts so and so up the next week he or SHE returns the favour ..Tossers most of them..Then there are judges which in my opinion are so so biased towards a breed ..Gotta be a fell type nothing else is any good.Or gotta be black cos thats what I keep..Myself I couldnt be arsed what breed in my mind I judge each breed on what I think it should be..Caused quite a stink when I put a Border up a few years ago ..The dog went on to win a few more like LOL.Another thing, I dont do showing now to be honest ,but the few I do go to ,why is it that the lakie class has them all on one knee holding their terriers ALA Kc..LOL.. When I judge I like them standing free not half strangled on a tight lead let them stand on there own if its fit and right it doesnt need to be placed into a show stance ..oooops its right foot is an inch out FFS

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