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Went today to buy my lad a cracking whippet/greyhound/bull bitch she was 10 months paid £150 for her over the moon lad wanted a rabbiting dog.. was happy as a kid in muck till he got home to find out she was bleeding from arse she had parvo went straight back to him he was out with his dogs his mum said he was down park with his dogs ,,, bare in mind this chap is late 40/50s so i went down to park he was their right enough stud with his 3 lurchers so started argueing with him told him i want cash back said he had spent it so as you do i went mad about bitch he rang police then i looked and both his other dogs one of them had blood coming out of his arse so i went mad about him knowing they had something f*****g idiot ...SO JUST WARNING PEOPLE TO WATCH OUT IN OTLEY FOR PARVO...


so any one going down to a park with their dogs in otlet by the river just down from otley show watch out as this bloke had his dogs running all over park with parvo the twat...

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never got shite back ...police came told me to leave and if i want money i have to take it to small claims ...the twat vet said some dogs can just fight the parvo but will always carry the parvo disease in them ..my lad was gutted cracking dog as well just taking no risks dont want that shite at mine

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