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Clearing out the gene pool.......lol

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I love the way they suggest that the mistake he made was robbing copper cable as it's 'so dangerous'.



Well yes, if you do it from an electricity sub station i suppose it is. . . . . . :icon_eek:

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I worked in substations for a while, on the induction they show you people that have been burnt like this, but most die. They recommended safe distance from the overhead cables is around 3.5 m dependant on the voltage and they insist that you dont carry anything even wood above waste height. what surprised me is that electricity runs on the outside of the cables/rails like a force field.

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That'll teach the fu*ker.


We get this quite often what with the price of Copper and that. We've had poles cut down and Transformers knocked off them, drained of the oil and the copper inside nicked. New jobs that have had the cable pinched before it's even made live.


When the old sub station was knocked down where the Walkers stadium is now, there were some cables still alive running under a bridge. Two "people" decided to help themselves to it. The one doing the cutting was still stuck to the bridge ceiling when the Jointers went to fix the damage, well what was left of him was. The other, they found him a couple of days later wandering around Leicester very near deaths door.


It makes me smile when people are told to be this/that far from Electric, some of the LV wires are only 6" apart themselves and the Electricity doesn't jump between them. If we are working past the "Dead" side of a switch the gap at the switch is 9". The "Live" side is 11,000v. Our safe working distance to live 11,000v is 1.1m.

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