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another joke

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there was this hunchback prostitute working the streets, and a black bloke approached her and asked "how much", she said "£30" the black bloke said "ive only got £25" she said "fxxk off its 30, any ways 10mins later quassy modo walked up and said"how much" she said "30 quid", "no bother" he said so to cut a long story short she fell pregnant, when it was born it was the spitting image of quassy but worse,so she had it adopted, 25 years later the baby searched for her and when he found her he played holy fxxk, shouting "why in the hell did you go thru with the pregnancy, your a mess my dad was quassy, and just look at me am a fxxking hunchback and i am deformed, you fxxking idiot", the old pro turned round and said" o shut the fxxk up you ungratefull bxxxxxd, if it wasnt for the sake of another fiver you wouldve been black" :laugh::laugh:

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