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duck shooting in quarrys

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Does anyone do any duck shooting in old quarrys ? I know a few and they have huge pools of water, if you were to feed them would they bring in the ducks ?


The one I'm thinking has a bay on one side aswell with a gentle slope into the water and you could also put a feed raft in

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It'll work alright, we do exactly the same thing you are talking about. We have built some hides round the sides using old pallets and some big posts...works perfectly....just keep feeding. We get all manner of ducks, plus we get canadas as well, they are a pest (ha!) as they scoff mountains of feed....

If you have any questions, would be only to happy to help!

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Firstly who did you approach to get permission to shoot on there mate ?


And also did you just feed it and ducks showed up ?

How do the ducks know to come there ? Lol

Incase you can't tell I'm not the most experienced

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No bother mate!


We got onto that land through the farmer, we did a good job for one farmer and he told this fella and he asked us to do something for him. We did and have been on the land ever since.....


If its a disused quarry, find out who the landowner is and approach them....


If there is water lying, more often than not, you will get ducks on it at somepoint, we just make sure they come back by feeding...we feed avery week, 2 or 3 times a week and only shoot it once a fortnight.....gives it a chance to settle.


Dukcs just know where water is, especially if its sheltered and if other ducks see them coming in, they will follow...


Are you near the sea or a bigger river?

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I'm near the coast! I live in Kenfig in South Wales. The area I'm thinking of is a massive disused quarry, it has a sort of bay on one side and about 100 yards away a bay that has no access by foot (you have to swim to it, could be good for nesting and putting a feeder or 2 on) Just need to find who owns it! Its not used in anyway and I know people used to go up there in the summer and swim in it! Its very deep and a very large area with 90percent of the sides steep and rising up high. If I could get something down there it could be class

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Sounds the business, get in there and find out who owns it and be nice to them!

Just watch out for who accesses the place, we had some little shoites destroy our hides last summer. They broke them down, must have taken a decent effort, chucked all our feed bins and seats in the quarry as well......good job we were not around. We will be watching out for them this summer....

Let us know how you get on mate, best of luck!

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