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roost shooting

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It's great sport, just keep clung to a tree trunk and cover up well. Try to keep the moving around to a minimum and stay quiet. If a bird comes in to roost and it's a bit away from you, leave it be until something comes in within easier range.


Leave the dog at home and remember to get there before the birds do!

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One of my favourites................get well covered up..


Reccy the roost..........you may find that they coming from one direction, like they do on one of my roost.In this case its a lot easier to rattle em coming in as aposed to taking snap shots thorugh the trees.......



- Get well covered up, head veil, gloves...the lot.


- If in the wood....look for the trees with loads of shyte at the bottom of them, these will be the favourite roosting spots.


- remain motionless when in postion and only raise the gun at the very last minute...any unatural movement from beneath the trees will be detected and cause the bluies to veer of oand out of range.


these feckers can see you blink at half a mile away!!!!!!!!!! :icon_eek::icon_eek:


If is a busy roost you could be having some good sport......but you shoot / kill ration will be much lower.


I hope you have a good session............


If you need osmeone to show you how its done....give em a buzz ;););):laugh:

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