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any of you lads ever bred from a bitch thats had a c- section delivery before, all the years ive had dogs and bred a fair few litters ive never had to much of a problem with them the odd breech but nothing i couldnt sort out but my pats just had a litter and the first was breeched bad so it was a trip to the vet he done a c-section on her and we managed to save all 7 pups but he said i should have her speyed as she wont carry again it would be ashame as shes a good bitch from good lines i have spoken to a few boys about this and they have bred from bitches that have had surjury in the past but they are all gundogs mainly labs any suggestions i personaly would like to leave her 18 mths or so and have one last litter from her what do you think !!!

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Mate, my Bedlington pup was a c-section birth, as there was a bad breach and the bitch was 3 days overdue. There were only two pups too, and they both did well. The bitch recovered quickly, and there was no talk from the vet about spaying her. I suppose it depends whether there was any damage to the uterus etc; otherwise she should be fine. Afterall, show Bulldogs have c-sections for every birth!!

Wait and watch, I'd suggest.

How are the pups, anyway - bonny little things?

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Mate, my Bedlington pup was a c-section birth, as there was a bad breach and the bitch was 3 days overdue. There were only two pups too, and they both did well. The bitch recovered quickly, and there was no talk from the vet about spaying her. I suppose it depends whether there was any damage to the uterus etc; otherwise she should be fine. Afterall, show Bulldogs have c-sections for every birth!!

Wait and watch, I'd suggest.

How are the pups, anyway - bonny little things?


I had a bitch some years back who's first litter was by c-section. She had 3 more litters after that with no trouble. Depends on if your bitch had any other problems with the opp or if the vet saw something amiss. Scar tissue is stronger than normal tissue so she should be fine in that respect.

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Thanks lads you have confirmed my thinking iam sure hes just after the money bad enough payin for the op £270 just reminds me why i avoid vets , this vets anew one the one who had the practice before was agood old fashioned vet who was well into workin dogs nothin was to much trouble and didn t cost the earth. the pups are all doing well growing by the day looks to be a crackin litter, fingers crossed

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Mate, my Bedlington pup was a c-section birth, as there was a bad breach and the bitch was 3 days overdue. There were only two pups too, and they both did well. The bitch recovered quickly, and there was no talk from the vet about spaying her. I suppose it depends whether there was any damage to the uterus etc; otherwise she should be fine. Afterall, show Bulldogs have c-sections for every birth!!

Wait and watch, I'd suggest.

How are the pups, anyway - bonny little things?


I had a bitch some years back who's first litter was by c-section. She had 3 more litters after that with no trouble. Depends on if your bitch had any other problems with the opp or if the vet saw something amiss. Scar tissue is stronger than normal tissue so she should be fine in that respect.


I too had a Lakeland bitch: first litter by c-section, two more litters no problems at all. And a lurcher bitch who had to deliver the second half of the first litter by c-section, perfectly normal whelp[ing for her second litter.

Just a point: when feeding raw food(meat/bones/whole carcases) the whelpings seem a lot easier! Tell you something? I think so! :D

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