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i have been trying to breed one of my bitches this time she broke down. my question is my other bitch who hasnt had a season at all has now also broke down. i have 3 bitches and a dog here and usually the terrier and the old bitch break down at same time but the younger lurcher has never till now?

has anyone else experienced this? and also shes always appeared overweight no matter if i cut her food down drastically and excersise her thoroughly do you think this will be tied in and will she now begin to take the shape of a lurcher instead of a cow?

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hiya im no expert in this field maybe someone else on here will be able to give you the correct answer, every dog is different some are earlier some are later, they will come into season when their body is ready. As for being over weight part of the problem could lie there. If you are looking at breeding her cut her weight down first as many bitches litters dont survive or worst case you could lose your bitch during birth. If you are having problems cutting down her weight no matter what you do, i think you should nip her to the vets for a quick check over and for him to give you the all clear just incase there is something going on more serious in her body which is stopping from losing the weight and thats why shes bulky. Best to be safe than sorry. Hope all goes well. Rhian

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