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Would THL be better if members were vouched for?


50 members have voted

  1. 1. Should new members be vouched for.

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about the only lads who could vouch for me arent on the web, they would have had to join thl, be vouched for by a few members on here, then vouch for me so i could come on, im still learning about many aspects of hunting, i wasnt born into a hunting family,i only started hunting when i was 20, there are a lot of things id like to speak openly about on thl, a lot of pictures id like to post but due to hunting being such a taboo subject in the mainstream and antis watching sites like this in order to use images we post against us i wont take that risk, those that do are idiots


What kind of pictures are they? :icon_redface:


well im not shy about posting nude pics online so i might just be talking about hunting pics :boogie:

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The whole idea of a forum is so everyone can have their say and interact with others.. Having a closed forum does not work, it strangles a community. Be honest how can people be genuinely vouched for, it only takes ONE bad egg, and do you think its any safer at all?


Members should use common sense when posting and keep posts within the law for the sake of everyone on here and involved in hunting...


What I will ask, is for help to weed out the idiots that ruin other peoples topics ...The ones that breed negativity on members posts, and offer nothing of any value on the forum. If you see a trend of members being like this report them or let me know... If you want the forum to improve everyone has to help..


As I say this is a forum for everyone, beginner to expert, all characters welcome, no closed forum clique... Stick within the law, and don't be negative with posts, be constructive and helpful..and the forum will be a much better place, but as I say everyone needs to help..

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about the only lads who could vouch for me arent on the web, they would have had to join thl, be vouched for by a few members on here, then vouch for me so i could come on, im still learning about many aspects of hunting, i wasnt born into a hunting family,i only started hunting when i was 20, there are a lot of things id like to speak openly about on thl, a lot of pictures id like to post but due to hunting being such a taboo subject in the mainstream and antis watching sites like this in order to use images we post against us i wont take that risk, those that do are idiots


What kind of pictures are they? :icon_redface:


well im not shy about posting nude pics online so i might just be talking about hunting pics :boogie:


Just pm them, the hunting pics obviously. :blink:

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regards selling dog+pups, maybe the seller can only sell if him or her, have put up 3-4 (posts) on hunting not threads, then you know they are genuine hunters and not just dog pedlar. :yes: or is that the rule already :hmm:

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regards selling dog+pups, maybe the seller can only sell if him or her, have put up 3-4 (posts) on hunting not (threads), then you know they are genuine hunters and not just dog pedlar. :yes:



how about a limit of 2 adverts in working dogs and livestock for sale section per year per member, no limit on any other type of advert. most peddlers would soon go elsewhere then and mates would be more reluctant to post adverts on behalf of peddler mates.

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If you had a post limit before somebody could sell then you get people putting :thumbs: or just saying nice dog until they got there post count up.


The for sale section is great for genuine sellers but its also being abused imo.


One thing for sure that makes THL so appealing is the comic relief it provides and I suppose with a nomination rule in place it would be quite boring. :thumbs:

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Leave it as it is...just try and weed the trouble causers and numpties out :thumbs:

Define the meaning of trouble causer,theirs a couple on here, when a certain topic starts they jump on it, when the vast majority on the thread agree with each other,then it gets closed or pulled.

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I voted no, as there are plenty of forums that you need to be vouched for, and they don't have 1/4 of the traffic this one does.


The place wouldn't be the same without the messers, retards and antis that this place is so well known for :D


That's a bit harsh Wilfy's not that bad

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I use the forum as a resource of info which without I wouldn't of been savvy to. Things such as dog diet, selecting a terrier, history of breeds etc.


As yet I have done zero hunting :icon_redface: , although now I have my first terrier arriving tomorrow, ratting (yeah I know, not real sport) is something I'd love to be able to get into (any offers greatly accepted :thumbs: ). For the simple reason of using the dog for what is was intended to do.


If the forum was closed or you needed verification I would lose a valuable resource. The info I've gained on BARF and medications for dogs etc wouldn't be available. So please don't close the forum to us regular Joe's.


I do agree that some who use the forum for nothing more than purely financial gain in the selling of pups etc should have some restrictions applied as it's not eBay.

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I joined moochers 3m ago. My account was activated last week because i didn't have anyone to vouch for me.

What's the point of that? Just makes me not want to use Moochers. Seems daft to me if they did that here, lots of chaps starting out with hunting might not get vouched for.

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