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Collie Whippet

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Has anyone got a first cross collie/whippet or 3/4 whippet 1/4 collie?


Would like to see pics, how tall are they and what are they like and what do they excell at?


I've read that "collie crosses aren't for everyone" and "negatives outway the positives" what are the negative traits?





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morning gareth i had one in the 80,s first cross dog which made 221/2" was first class on rabbits ferreting / lamping had to be on top of the hare to catch it but a very trainable dog i had him 14 years i would tend to go for collie x whippet then back to whippet for more speed as to the collie in it yes they do take the huff if you shout at them but good honest dogs


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Thanks for reply Millybot.


I was thinking about a smallish 3/4 collie 1/4 whippet bitch around 20"tts.


My pup is 12 months in September so I might look at getting another lurcher when he has had his first season so just exploring the options.


My sal/whip/grey dog will make 25" tts and having a smaller bitch might make a good team and potential breeding project down the line.


Has anyone got any pics?

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My late uncle hunted a 1st cross bitch in the early 80s bred from a welsh working farm collie to a working whippet.Very tough little bitch game clever and a total 1 man dog with superb nose .The litter sister was owned by my uncles mate and I have never ever seen a smarter bitch she was a poachers dream a real old school cur stalking ducks in the shallows of the river and rabbits by stalking more than out and out speedIif Ray had to pass someone the dog would literally do a wide ark aroun them using cover etc. I seen this with my own eyes and have never witnessed this before.Both only worked day where quite cobby little things but I would definately consider one for a great character of a dog neither considered foxes as game

regards Stoaty

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Ive a collie whippet first x bitch 21.5. put pics on the merle topic earlier. i use her mainly for ferreting mooching bushing and beating. real clever/obedient handy bitch, only thing she could do with is another gear. if i was you i would say go with 1/4 collie is plenty maybe go with a col whip grey

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Thanks for further replies.


Mick - I wouldn't mind seeing that dog mate. You gonna come out for a walk with us sometime? We go the odd Sunday morning.


The pup is doing sound, 9 months old this week. He is starting to settle down and show an interest in what's going on now. He will make a good dog I think.



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Mick - PM me your number mate and we will sort something out. Wouldn't mind seeing your dogs.


Thorny - Are you thinking about the 1/4 or 1/2 collie.


I've just seen a litter of collie/grey x beddy/whip put back to whippet in an old countrymans weekly and these could also fit the bill for me.



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