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Which ir illuminator is the better out of a dipol l3 or a n100 ap laser .I would be very grateful for help as i cannot decide which one to buy as i have not seen the n 100 ap in action.Thanks for any advice



I have both.


I like the way the N1000 can switch off either end of the power settings ie off,1,2,3,4,off where as the dipol has to go back through the nine power clicks back to zero.


I've never really had to adjust the beam allignment on either once they've been set. The dipol needs a allen key to adjust where the N1000 is just adjusted by hand.


Both adjust the beam diameter by twisting the front lens.


They are very close on full power and would not choose on preference of power.


I prefer to shoot with the dipol, as on 3 I think it's slightly dimmer than the N1000 on 1


I prefer to use the N1000 when Im spotting as I only have to increase the beam intensity 4 clicks to reach maximum power. I tend to use a general guide with the N1000 for spotting 1@100yrds 2@200yrds 3@300yrds 4@400yrds so it's simple to go through the clicks as viewing distance increases and if I do spot at 400yrds one more click and it's off then I can concentrate on the gun.


Whichever you choose you'll be happy with. I would like a variable gain twist type switch on the dipol though. Is it worth the extra money???? No not really it should be simularly priced but I do prefer it to shoot with.

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