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Yh that my number I cab text u I do talk to my boyfriend and he wants a new dog as well as the one iv got that a f*****g crime it's a surspise for him

as out soon ok and like I said all u lot do is bitch!!!!!!!!!


What a idiot ?i wouldnt give you or your bloke the time let alone a dog so you can go bother someone else now.

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CARP KING 23 Please stop pm and text me i have had you text me at least 20 times regards the dog and equipment for sale, first it was how much for ferrets then how much for ferrets and cage then dog,f

imagine pretending to be your gilfriend to stop yourself looking like a prat.

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im cart kings girlfriend, i have no idea what you going on about he has been in jail and i have been using his account to keep in contant with his friends, i have seen monkey11 on here and he seems alright not a arshole, unless ur monkey11 trying to make out to other people that i am. I tell my partner not to go on this cause all u lot do is course shit,u all meant to be hunters and talk about hunting but all i see is people bitches your all like women and need to grow up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! every one on here loves there aniamls then u get the odd dog dealers and by the end of the day thats there choice cause one day some one will catch then out. cause a dog not just for christmas its for life. i have had my dog for 7 years now and would never get rid of her in my life. so if u want to call some one say it to the right person cause your talking to the wrong person so find some one else to call.


Been in jail........lol......How long do you get for being a full blown retard?

You should watch out, you could end up getting some bird yourself! lol lol

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Hey who the f**k said u was allowed he out in 1month so have that one, and I look after the dogs and who the f**k do u think u are telling me what I can buy and what I can't see what I mean all bitches just like women and I'm at girl if must know

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Me dnt u mean u lot for hunting cause I dnt hunt I just look after dogs and my partner does hunting and who can u call any one I dnt have to explain to u what he done so that final haven't u lot got anything better to do

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Me dnt u mean u lot for hunting cause I dnt hunt I just look after dogs and my partner does hunting and who can u call any one I dnt have to explain to u what he done so that final haven't u lot got anything better to do

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Me dnt u mean u lot for hunting cause I dnt hunt I just look after dogs and my partner does hunting and who can u call any one I dnt have to explain to u what he done so that final haven't u lot got anything better to do

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Me dnt u mean u lot for hunting cause I dnt hunt I just look after dogs and my partner does hunting and who can u call any one I dnt have to explain to u what he done so that final haven't u lot got anything better to do

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Me dnt u mean u lot for hunting cause I dnt hunt I just look after dogs and my partner does hunting and who can u call any one I dnt have to explain to u what he done so that final haven't u lot got anything better to do



Are you on crack? your writing was just eligible now i carnt understand a word your saying you dont have to explain your self just stop messing people around, by the looks of it you have done it a few times ?

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