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as most of you know i was a running dog man for years but i had to sell my bullys :angry::angry:

so i thought i would have a go with the ESS NEVER had one before but i had a short sharp shock the little feckers dont sit still but i wish had them years ago i gone from thisDSCF00072.jpg


to thisDSCF0079.jpg

Edited by cramp
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great pics!.............


I'm abit like you cramp..............had runners for years (still have a few)..decided to get an ESS 2 months a go..now at 16wks old.........I wouldn't be without him................


Different kettle of fish in respect of training.....but hopfully next year he'll be ready for scrubbin about and flushin to the gu and lurchers...................mentle though arn't they!!!!



here he is...Harvey

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  Terrier Stuff said:
Never seen a working springer with its tail!


Mine's docked and dewclawed


Nice springers cramp,what lines are they?


My springer (below) I took the pic in the recent snow we had..:D:D:D



i will check the pedigree and let you know

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  bullmastiff said:
Some nice pics and nice spanials, interesting to see yours with it's tail Paul? has it still got it's dew claws as well?



Yes................. I got him a couple of months ago...................I asked the question about the tail and the breeder was against docking.......probably why they were relatively cheap. I wondered if it would look wierd with a tail, but have seen a few working ESS's with tails, and they don't look bad at all.


If I can find a someone to do it I think I would still have it done.....(and dews)

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That's a nice photo Terrier Stuff!

Their's a lady walks past our house every morning with two springers with tails, they look like fluffy flag poles!! although I've never seen a working spanial with a full tail I'm sure some have them and unless your going to do lots of thick cover (brambles/blackthorn) with him then I personally wouldn't bother docking him now, as for dew claws they can become a problem with working dogs as the bone can break quite easily and I guess pretty painfull (like breaking your thumb!) but unlike tails there seems to be a fair amount of working spanials that still have their dew claws.

Either way it looks like you've got yourself a cracking little lad and I hope you have many happy years hunting together. Mines 16 now and although deaf, his nose still works and he still likes to come for a mooch about, just means I've got to go a bit slower for him (least I can do for the years he put in for me). The missus will only let me have two at once so no replacement yet so the bully is having to learn to use her nose!!!

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