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to any net makers out there

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Can somebody please explain or even better post a video of how to increase and decrease mesh. i've watched the agouti video but he does his differently which confuses me plus the video is done from about ten foot away so i cant see whats going on!

Ta, Aaron.

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increase by going through the last loop twice and decrease by going through the last two loops at the same time.


so go through the last loop tie your knot then go back round the mesh back through the same loop as last time and knot again

decrease when you get 2 loops from the end put the needle through both then knot as normal

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just ordered a net making kit, gonna have a go myself. whats the standard size? is it 12 wide by 15 down? thanks




Way too small twenty meshes wide by four foot long ,a big net will catch what a small one cant




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Oh god. This is going to be harder than I thought! Haha I'm gona start off by watching them videos as I follow it. The guy on the video doesn't decrease in meshes, he does the same amount if meshes all the way across and down? I'm gona struggle I think.

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20 meshes wide? I'm no made of money or got twine coming out my ears haha....... 9-15-9? I thought it was only 2 measurements- width and length?

by the time u get halfway 15 the net is already 21 inch aprox , nothings set in stone u can do 8-14-8 10-16-10 watever u want skinny or baggy 3ft 3.6 4ft 4.6 watever u want even the mesh board makes a diff to finished lenght 2in 2.2 2.4 2.6 u pick lol :thumbs: r u still confused :laugh:

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Too many numbers haha. The mesh board I've ordered is 2 1/4 I think. Im waiting on the kit from agouti to get me started.

I think I will just pick a size and go with it, as long as it does the job I'm not caring. I'm confused at how to even make the net but that video on YouTube was good, ao i sill have to follow that step by step. decreasing/ increasing, I've just read an old thread on how to do that, should get the hang of it.

I guess I will only learn by having a go.


All the videos show them using hemp and I'm going to use that poly stuff? How do I knot it twice? I'm always confused haha

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