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dogs swimming with rats

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went for a walk with my mate and the dogs today to a local wood and the dogs marked up on this knocked down old rotten tree.i gave it a quick boot and out popped a rat straight into the stream.it swam across with the dogs quickly following it and nestled itself in a hole in the bank.we couldnt get across so simply had to watch the dogs try to dig it out.eventualy my dog scamp got to it and as she grabbed it slipped backwards into the stream .she swam the width of the stream back to us with this huge friggin rat chewing into he face .she got on the bank and gave it the old shake thing. the bas*ard thing must have been latched onto her face for about 15 seconds and when i checked her face shes got this huge fu*kin gash next to her eye.

i once read in a plummer book that he came across this plenty of times and that the dog cant do anything about it cos its swimming (obviously).i always imagined this but never thought id see it.any body else had this happen? it may seem like a pathetic thing to post about but just out of interest. cheers sambo









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not so swimmimg but i have seen my terrier up on a ledge in the mill i work at grab a rat and because he,s only ballancing(spelling) on the said ledge he has to get down before he kills the rat all this time the rats are usually bitting him,but i guess he dont mind that much otherwise he wouldnt do it!!

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