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Pair of Handmade stalking trousers

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I have these handmade trousers that I need to sell,they are fully lined and extremely warm,they are ideal for those long sits in a highseat or up on the mountain.They have a high waist band with pockets in the band at the back to put in hot gel packs to keep your lumbar nice and warm,and as said they are individually made by hand,and are of a very high standard of workmanship....the best I have ever seen or wore.The downside for me is I hate being too warm,I would rather be cold...stupid,maybe but thats me,I have only ever worn these once,and have now outgrown them,and I need the money so they have to go.They are a size 36 waist,and I would like £50 for them,and believe me that is a BARGAIN!!!




Edited by martin
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