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Peter and adam

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Hello boys, we decided to have a trip out at dinner time yesterday, picked adam up at 12 and headed off to the newest of our permissions, as always we checked zeros and split up for a mooch, i had more success shooting from static positions last week when i was up here on my own when adam couldnt make it, so that was the plan today :thumbs: most of the fields have been cut now and visability of the rabbits has improved 100% adam is gunna take the crop fields and im gunna work my way down to the valley and woods, walking through the farm yard i spot 2 woodys sitting 45 yards out in the sheep field, using a dense evergreen hedge as cover i drop the bipod legs and begin a 10 yard crawl to the edge of the field, slowy i shuffle into place and both woddys are still there, half a mil hold over and half a mil left to account for the wind and thwack, first shot of the day and weve got a woody in the bag :thumbs: paced out at 41 yards on retrieve, i slowly make my way down to the woods where i notice a warren i havent seen before, so i decide to tuck up and wait, within 5 minutes theres a lovely plump bunny sat at the entrance of one of the holes, i wait untill he moves 5 yards or so away from the hole before i release my lead......Thwack perfect head shot :thumbs: a quick call to adam and hes got a rabbit aswell, taken from close range outside of a set in one of the top crop fields.

Im a quarter of the way through the woods now when i notice movement in the top of some evergreens...Squirrels, 3 of them, i work my way into range, start to get into position, only to get my ghuillie jacket snagged on a branch which is enough to send the squizzers racing through the tops of the trees and out of sight :censored::censored:

The next shot i get is a woody sat on a branch that crosses the stream, i lean against a tree for support only to miss the pigeon, clean over his head, bad range estimation this time :doh: adam rings and tells me he's on his way down to meet up for a fag and that hes taken another rabbit, giving him 2 so far to go with my rabbit and woody. We both decide to sit at the largest warren on the permission, adam sat left of it i sat to the right, 35 yards out, wind in our faces, 20 minutes later and the bunnys are starting to appear and we both manage another rabbit each :thumbs:

Giving the woods a rest for an hour we both make our way upto the top fields again, adam taking the pylon field and i tuck in on the side of a dirt track, with a hedge row on the right side and a 4ft high rape field on the other, the dirt track is roughly 10 ft wide, withing minutes a rabbit pops out of the rape field at no further than 12 yards, cross hairs settled, i adjust for the range, fire.......nothing.......Empty Mag!!! Bunnys on his toes back into the rape field :doh: 10 mins later and a very small kit starts running back and forward from hedge to rape field, hes a nutter this one lol constantly sprinting back and forth, untill he decides to stop when i squeek him ;) Thwack 25 yards head shot, feel abit guilty when i collect him, hes tiny :( lol

Adam appears creeping up behind me, hes had a rabbit in the pylon field but lost it in the nettles :doh: Adam tucks in beside me, We spot a rabbit hopping from the rape field and he stops in the middle of the track, we both estimate him at 100+ yards, so we sit and watch him slowly make his way towards us, 20 minutes later and i guess him to be at 75 yards, adam agrees, Now last saturday we had a day at the range, we worked our mildots out to 80 yards, printed a copy of our cross hairs out with ranges for each mildot, printed them out and stuck them to the guns, i put mine on the vipers sunshade and adam put his on the R10's buddy bottle, i tell adam that im taking a shot, i check my print out on the sunshade and as theres no wind im pretty confident, i steady the gun down on the bipod and slow my breathing, it seems like ive been concentrating for ever before i squeeze the trigger, i adjust the side wheel to get the best picture through the scope and its showing 75/80 as my clearest picture.............i let my lead go and a second later the bunny is laying lifeless in the middle of the track, adam just looks at me............Jammy F**ker!! Now adam will be on later to confirm the distance of this shot as we both paced it out, i paced it at 89 yards and adam paced it at 87, so we settle on 88 yards.....i need a fag!! lol thats is by far the furthest ive ever attempted to shoot a rabbit, but with the range day under our belt and confident in the rifle the gamble paid off, A heart and lungs shot took him down, couldnt beleive it, and adams still shaking his head in disbelief :D Believe it or not boys.......but ive never lied in my posts before and even when ive had s**t days ive been honest :thumbs:

We sit and have a few fags and discuss the long shot for a good 10 minutes, the light is starting to fade so we decide to collect our bunnys and pigeon, when adam spots 3 hares out in the field, 35 yards out sat close together, we get into position and adams taking the left and im taking the right, both settled and ready we take the shot in tandem and both hares kick out and then go still :thumbs: We left the third hare, although hes still sat there, no point in killing more than we need, he lives to fight another day, my job to gut the rabbits and hares (as usual) :no: lol And that brings to an end the most productive day weve had on this new permission, thanks for reading boys, heres the photos














Atb peter :thumbs:

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Cheers ftm, i try and make my write ups detailed, so the person reading can visualize actually being there :thumbs:


Cheers Mikey, Im in love with the Air Ranger, now that weve got over our "bumpy" start :icon_redface: haha Ill be keeping this one for a good year i reckon lol


Atb peter

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It's not like you to post so many photos millsy!


SP for the long shot.


I thought you boys liked your photos :cry: did i over do it?? haha if thats the case your all fooked coz i pick up my new video camera tomorrow so your gunna have videos to put up with as well :feck: lol


Atb peter

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[i thought you boys liked your photos :cry: did i over do it?? haha if thats the case your all fooked coz i pick up my new video camera tomorrow so your gunna have videos to put up with as well :feck: lol


Atb peter



Nice write up mate :thumbs:


look forward to the vid next time :boogie:


Great pics ;)



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hi ya buddy

i have just got one of these coming today or tomorrow bud zini uses it as well gives you a bit more on footage proper scope cam

looking forward to getting it now like a kid at xmas lol




have a look buddy




and dont forget to get some dates for me so you can come over for a shoot bud

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hi ya buddy

i have just got one of these coming today or tomorrow bud zini uses it as well gives you a bit more on footage proper scope cam

looking forward to getting it now like a kid at xmas lol




have a look buddy




and dont forget to get some dates for me so you can come over for a shoot bud


That looks the business that shay, good little gadget :thumbs: ive got your number fella, ill give you a ring later if thats ok?? You goin to have a day up here with me and smoggy aswell matey??


Atb peter

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