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  On 05/06/2011 at 22:52, pianoman said:

One Hundred and fifty quid for that rifle Andy; with scope? Now there's a bargain. No wonder Paul's chuffed with it. That HW80K of mine cost me a lot less than £50 as a sorry-state clunker that was a trade in. A bit of TLC and a re-blue and it belts along!




It doesn't do too badly that old 80 of your's but I think my mate Walter's 52 would probably kick it's arse :whistling:


We'll have to see how they compare the next time he can come over with us :angel::laugh:

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well seems like i was wrong matt a lot of people stil use springers,i use the rapid 7 mk 2 and it has accounted for hundreds if not thousands of rabbits magpies rats squirrels etc but each to there own mate

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  On 06/06/2011 at 15:17, ftm said:

well seems like i was wrong matt a lot of people stil use springers,i use the rapid 7 mk 2 and it has accounted for hundreds if not thousands of rabbits magpies rats squirrels etc but each to there own mate


Hi, mate.


I think the lad was asking about carbondioxide powered guns not pre-charged air. There's not a long wrong with Rapids, cracking rifles :thumbs:



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  On 05/06/2011 at 22:58, andyfr1968 said:
  On 05/06/2011 at 22:52, pianoman said:

One Hundred and fifty quid for that rifle Andy; with scope? Now there's a bargain. No wonder Paul's chuffed with it. That HW80K of mine cost me a lot less than £50 as a sorry-state clunker that was a trade in. A bit of TLC and a re-blue and it belts along!




It doesn't do too badly that old 80 of your's but I think my mate Walter's 52 would probably kick it's arse :whistling:


We'll have to see how they compare the next time he can come over with us :angel::laugh:

AHAAA! BRING ON THE FIESTY BOY!!!! Actually that sounds like a good rifle. I love the old 52 though, so I'll see when I see it!

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  On 06/06/2011 at 16:12, pianoman said:
  On 05/06/2011 at 22:58, andyfr1968 said:
  On 05/06/2011 at 22:52, pianoman said:

One Hundred and fifty quid for that rifle Andy; with scope? Now there's a bargain. No wonder Paul's chuffed with it. That HW80K of mine cost me a lot less than £50 as a sorry-state clunker that was a trade in. A bit of TLC and a re-blue and it belts along!




It doesn't do too badly that old 80 of your's but I think my mate Walter's 52 would probably kick it's arse :whistling:


We'll have to see how they compare the next time he can come over with us :angel::laugh:

AHAAA! BRING ON THE FIESTY BOY!!!! Actually that sounds like a good rifle. I love the old 52 though, so I'll see when I see it!



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  On 06/06/2011 at 15:57, andyfr1968 said:
  On 06/06/2011 at 15:17, ftm said:

well seems like i was wrong matt a lot of people stil use springers,i use the rapid 7 mk 2 and it has accounted for hundreds if not thousands of rabbits magpies rats squirrels etc but each to there own mate


Hi, mate.


I think the lad was asking about carbondioxide powered guns not pre-charged air. There's not a long wrong with Rapids, cracking rifles :thumbs:




Why won't it let me edit my post?? :blink:


I ment to say not a LOT wrong with Rapids :icon_redface: Hey ho....

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Ah FTM, now what we have here is a misunderstanding.


There's a HUGE difference between a CO2 powered rifle and a precharged pneumatic rifle. Air doesn't suffer from the cold drop anything like as much as CO2, and it's far easier and cheaper to refill. The 7 is a PCP not CO2!


A PCP is also a lot more costly. I'm sure that if someone decided to make a CO2 rifle to the same sort of budget as a PCP then it could be made to perform well, though how to overcome the cold problems would be a conundrum.

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It can't be done, Matt.


I don't understand the physics of it but Co2's stored in a liquid form in the bottle and it's something to do with the fact that when the temerature drops below about 5 deg C it becomes a lot less keen to be a gas so the reaction slows down hence the sudden drop in power.

Edited by andyfr1968
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  On 04/06/2011 at 20:05, vizlauk said:

I would say it depends of the use of the gun, is it for hunting or target plinking, if hunting I would go co2 (not smk by my own choice), plinking/target then a springer


I must correct my mistake here aswell - I GOT MIXED UP BETWEEN CO2 - PCP, In my opion any co2 air riflee are a waste of money, pcp on the other hand excellent, but back to your question, go for a hw80 or hw97, excellent bits of kit that will last a lifetime.

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There looks like there's going to be a couple of rifles being released in the next year or so that can be charged with either air, or co2.


One is a Ben Taylor designed Milbro, and I think the other one is an RWS. I stand to be corrected on that though. It'd be interesting to see how they perform.

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