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last year i got 2 jills, so had to get my hobs done, i had one castrated and one vasectomy, so they could all live in the same hutch together and when they came in to season he could bring them out, all was going well they came in season and then out again, the passed 3-4 weeks i havent had much time to handle them so didnt notice, but did think it was strange that all the bedding had gone out of oneside of the hutch but didnt twig on, this morning i picked her up and shes a fatty, cant be many days before she gunna drop, bloody vets dint do a very good job, so now looking for nother hutch, she that must be obeyed was moaning about the ferrets 'they have to go i dont like them' today she was searching on the net looking for hutches and what to do when they come, doing my nut in, she saying that shes getting brooding, think i need the snip now dont want any more kids or bloody kits.

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ive never had a phantom using a snipped hob the swelling just goes down and everything returns to normal for a few weeks then the jill comes into season again ,if shes swelling up i think the vets mucked up again

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he was done at least 12 months ago, the vets did say they dont gaurentee it will work because the tubes can rejoin, hopefully it is a phantom but will get another hutch just incase

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sounds familiar one of my jills escaped from my mates breeding hutch three weeks ago,eventually gave up hope of finding her and lined anotherjill,guess who turned up a week later in a neighbours chicken coop!!!!due next week.kit anybody lol!just bought new hutch im on the naughty step aswell,allways in the shit only the depth varies atb mate

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