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Now then airgunners,


As gurtwurz would say, I had myself some red hot springer action before work this morning!


I've been enjoying using my HW95K recently, so my PCPs have hardly been picked up in a couple of weeks. I'm sure that'll all change soon though. Anyway, I called into a local permission before I started work this morning.


Usually you see several rabbits feeding as you enter the drive, but this morning there was only one that I could see as I parked my van. As I got out, it was a good 35 yards away, and I duly fluffed the shot.


I reloaded and went for a little mooch. As I went around to the back of the house, I spotted a large rabbit not more than 25 yards away. It also saw me, but rather than legging it, it just flattened itself towards the ground. Unfortunately for the rabbit, it was still completely visible and I took a standing shot, landing the .22 Accupell just behind it's eye. Rolled over, kicked once - lights out.


That was that - only been there for 5 minutes, and time to get on the road and do some work!


Took a quick photo before I left:




Cheers for reading,



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nice shooting sam mate, enjoyed the write up and picture too buddy. theres something really satisfying about a quick-and successful- trip out with a good springer. i like the paleness of your '95's stock too mate, looks different to the ones i've seen.


good stuff mate, now get some photo's in the comp!


cheers, wurz

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