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Well I've been thinking about getting a Goldfinch or maybe another native finch and was wondering is there much differance keeping a native bird compared to non-natives such as zebra and bengalese which I've kept for many years.


I've not got any zebra's now since my last one died a few months ago but I've still got the cage would this be adaquate for a goldie?Its 3 ft tall x 2.5 long x 2 ft wide,would they need anything different to what the zebras used?


Would the general care be much different?


Thanks John

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A good British finch mixture and some wild seed heads as already said teazle but not every day because it is a fatty seed, if you cant pick weeds some soaked seed a couple of times a week will do...

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  On 05/06/2011 at 19:46, Meroman said:

A good British finch mixture and some wild seed heads as already said teazle but not every day because it is a fatty seed, if you cant pick weeds some soaked seed a couple of times a week will do...

Thanks mate I'm not too concerned about breeding but would I be better off with a pair.



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I used to keep british finches and canaries and the best seed i found was witte molen british finch mix, haiths also do a good british finch mix. You can also give them dandelion seeds (just remove the fluff by twisting it leaving the seeds still on the stalk.

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