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Ticks/fleas on ferrets

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Out of interest what do any of you use as a deterrent for ticks on ferrets, i know you can get powder to put in their beds against fleas but i was wondering about ticks? found a mahoosive tick on the hob today.


Any help or advice much appreciated





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Out of interest what do any of you use as a deterrent for ticks on ferrets, i know you can get powder to put in their beds against fleas but i was wondering about ticks? found a mahoosive tick on the hob today.


Any help or advice much appreciated





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If you find tics on any of your animals and you got nothing to hand use nail varnish remover on it, put it on to a cotton bud and dab it on the tic the tic will release slightly give it a couple of seconds and it picks off very easy!

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If you find tics on any of your animals and you got nothing to hand use nail varnish remover on it, put it on to a cotton bud and dab it on the tic the tic will release slightly give it a couple of seconds and it picks off very easy!


Sorry mate but this is rubbish,, DO NOT use anything other than an autom (remover) or frontline,

Anything else like Nail varnish remover, vasaline, fag burns tweezers whatever,,,is just asking for trouble. You risk the tick regurgitating its contents back into the ferret, risking infection.

We see and hear this all the time on here,,,and FRONTLINE is the answer,, if you dont have an autom, get one, or get FRONTLINE hope I`ve been clear enough..


If your kid had a tick,,,what would you use ???? well do the same for your ferret.



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Not to sure about ticks normally just pinch as close an pluck normally does the trick. As for fleas a couple my ferrets where full of them a friend told me to hang a dogs flea collar in the hutchs an change all the beddin i can honestly say it worked a treat. . :thumbs:

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i have used the nail varnish on my dog and it has worked, not let me down yet


Yeh, you`ve used it on the dug,, would you use it if yer child had a tick ??? would yer missus let you put nail varnish remover on it or would she want you to treat it properly,, covering it with nail varnish whatever,,risks the contents emptying back into the host, risking infection.



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While Frontline will kill/protect against fleas for 4-6 weeks after application, there is no real evidence that it has a similar effect on ticks. Frontline isn't proven to protect against/deter ticks, only kill them when applied to the host they are feeding off. So if you use frontline to kill ticks on your ferret there is still a chance they could pick up a new tick shortly after.


Get a tick remover and take the tick off as soon as you spot it. If the tick has been feeding for at least 24 hours it may drop off soon and will regurgitate just before it falls off. Also stressing the tick by touching/squeezing the body or covering it in nail polish remover/vaseline/rubbing alcohol/whatever will also cause regurgitation. If the tick isn't infected with any diseases then the regurgitation isn't a problem, but if the tick is carrying a tickborn disease then it is a big problem.


The other problem is that if your ferret picked up a tick, you sprayed with Frontline and then it picked up another a few days later and you used Frontline again, then you may well overdose your ferret with the Frontline.


Peronally I'd use the Frontline to deter fleas and have a tick remover to get rid of any ticks.


Good luck!

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So how does being covers in insectiside not iritate the tick ? Just a question maybe it paralyses instantley or the ticks become insanely stoned and pull a whitey before death , not that I'm right botherd like ,part and parcel of keeping ferrets

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