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Guest Lurcherbitch

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Guest Lurcherbitch
  snoopdog said:
if the dogs get it chuck it in the road run over it a few times ...deed done sqashed cat ..every bodys happy......and nobodys getting done..... :D ....


:clapper: .


Minion.....easier said than done. I run a rescue and get new dogs coming in all the time..... :blink:

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  Lurcherbitch said:
  snoopdog said:

if the dogs get it chuck it in the road run over it a few times ...deed done sqashed cat ..every bodys happy......and nobodys getting done..... :D ....


:clapper: .


Minion.....easier said than done. I run a rescue and get new dogs coming in all the time..... :blink:



Sorry, I wasn't having a dig.


I think it's great what you do. Certianly did not mean to cause any offence.


I just ment that I can't understand why people would not break a lurcher to cats.

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Guest Lurcherbitch
  minion said:
  Lurcherbitch said:
  snoopdog said:

if the dogs get it chuck it in the road run over it a few times ...deed done sqashed cat ..every bodys happy......and nobodys getting done..... :D ....


:clapper: .


Minion.....easier said than done. I run a rescue and get new dogs coming in all the time..... :blink:



Sorry, I wasn't having a dig.


I think it's great what you do. Certianly did not mean to cause any offence.


I just ment that I can't understand why people would not break a lurcher to cats.


No offence taken..... ;) :kiss: .x


  The Big Fish said:
Lurcherbitch, if your dogs do end up catching the offending creature, just let them eat it :laugh:


No body, no evidence! :tongue2:



Fooking hell...you lot can be a bit calas :hmm: . I just wanted to know where i stood legaly. Up to now i have ran the f****r over.......let my mutts eat it and took it to cats home :icon_eek: . :laugh:

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I'm fairly sure that if the cat comes into your garden (and you haven't enticed it to come in!) then the owner cannot sue you if your dog kills/eats it. Cats have and are a law unto themselves, and they are deemed no one's property once outside their own house/garden.

I find that a hose pipe turned on the beggars full blast usually teaches them a lesson: they only come and sit on my aviary twice at the most and then learn to keep away.

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If your dogs kill a Cat, YOU are responsible, you can be charged for having your dog dangerously out of control, and it does happen. yes I own Cats and I would be bloody livid if one of mine was hurt! Unfortunately (for dog owners) Cats are protected by law, unlike dogs, their owners are NOT responsible for their actions, as they are still classed as a wild animal.


Have you spoken to the Cts owner? tell them the problem, at least they will be aware then.


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The best i can come up with at the moment is the 1971 Animals Act,


The keeper of the dog is not liable where the damage is due wholly to the fault of the person suffering it or if the livestock were killed or injured on land onto which they had strayed and either the dog belonged to the occupier or its presence was authorised by the occupier.


Would imagine the same goes for cats.


Just found some more light reading Cats and the law

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No they are NOT classed as vermin.


Look, best thing to do is to speak to the Cats owner and tell them its being a nuisance and your dogs are not happy bunnies, then if the Cat persists, well you know....!!! You did all you can. I have 5 Cats and I adore them, because I adore them I have inverted fencing around my garden so they cant get out, suggest that to them too, that way the Cat cant get out to annoy anyone else.


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