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do you belive in ghosts

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Anyone who says they've seen a ghost are either mistaken or full of sh!t.


Ghost's! :rofl: a load of bollocks!


loads of people say that, and they might be right...but not many people would be willing to spend the night on their own in an old empty house in the middle of nowhere that's allegedly haunted, I know I fekkin wouldn't!!! :icon_eek:

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fancy leaving a dead dog by the gate for three days!!!!

I don't believe in ghost but when my nanas dog died my uncle diddnt know it had died and came to visit my nana he said he opened the gate and stroked the dog and whent in the house but the dog had been dead for three days before hand that did creep me out abit cos my uncle never believed in ghost till my nana said the dog was dead

fancy leaving a dead dog by the gate for three days!!!! :laugh::laugh:

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Anyone who says they've seen a ghost are either mistaken or full of sh!t.


Ghost's! :rofl: a load of bollocks!


loads of people say that, and they might be right...but not many people would be willing to spend the night on their own in an old empty house in the middle of nowhere that's allegedly haunted, I know I fekkin wouldn't!!! :icon_eek:

I'd imagine this is you when Doctor Who is on aswell. :laugh:


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Anyone who says they've seen a ghost are either mistaken or full of sh!t.


Ghost's! :rofl: a load of bollocks!


loads of people say that, and they might be right...but not many people would be willing to spend the night on their own in an old empty house in the middle of nowhere that's allegedly haunted, I know I fekkin wouldn't!!! :icon_eek:

I'd imagine this is you when Doctor Who is on aswell. :laugh:


Never mind doctor who, that's me when scooby doo is on......that fookin caretaker proper shits me up. Once when I was on a walk a tall green character was stood behind a tree, when I went to see where he was he'd vanished. I noticed a trap door so lifted it up and poked my head round and a group of pesky kids had corned the "thing", tied it up and were unmasking it....yet again it was the janitor, I was right all along, you can never trust the man! I'm right to hide behind the chair!!!

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I don't believe in ghost but when my nanas dog died my uncle diddnt know it had died and came to visit my nana he said he opened the gate and stroked the dog and whent in the house but the dog had been dead for three days before hand that did creep me out abit cos my uncle never believed in ghost till my nana said the dog was dead

fancy leaving a dead dog by the gate for three days!!!! :laugh::laugh:

Classic..................pmsl.... :laugh:

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I don't believe in ghost but when my nanas dog died my uncle diddnt know it had died and came to visit my nana he said he opened the gate and stroked the dog and whent in the house but the dog had been dead for three days before hand that did creep me out abit cos my uncle never believed in ghost till my nana said the dog was dead

fancy leaving a dead dog by the gate for three days!!!! :laugh::laugh:


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Had a very real experience on 5th Dec 2003 , as I went to collect my son from school , I always took the old terrier with me for run as I had to cross 2 fields to reach the school


This particular day was cold but sunny being Dec the sun was low & as i went to loose the dog I always checked if there were any other dogs on the field as she was a pain in the butt with other dogs


As i sheiled my eyes from the low sun i saw a tall dark figure walking away from me in the worn path across the diagonal of the field , but as i saw no dog i loosed my hyper terrier from her lead & she went beserk , I looked up to see what the hell was wrong with her & the person / figure I saw had vanished :blink:


Weird bizarre , unreal experience that made no sense to me untill 12 hours later , people just dont disappear in seconds , it plagued me for the rest of the day , then i checked my e mail after the kids had gone to bed & read that my friend had passed away at 3.30 pm Friday 5th Dec :(




I have no idea why i saw what i believe was her as she took her life , but it was very real & if i shut my eyes I can see that tall dark figure even now , its probably the most vivid thing & in a way very beautiful because the suns rays fanned out across the fields as i saw her & then she had gone


No ones death before or since has had such an impact on my life as hers did , and i was plagued with guilt because i spoke to her at noon that day & she was looking forward to seeing me two weeks later & i had no idea she was already slowly dying


A selfish way to die but I hope she is happy where she is x god bless


Have you ever looked at this scientifically, or looked at what's more likely? You saw a dark shape whilst squinting at the sun which disappeared later. Stare at any light and you will see a dark circle for a few seconds, why would you jump to a supernatural explanation? Or even if there was a person walking and they proceeded to fall down a hole, which then unfortunately collapsed etc it would still be more likely than a supernatural explanation. We know holes exist, we know how gravity works and we know it could happen, we also know what can't happen. There is a very simple scientific answer to all of these stories.



must of been a fookin big hole :blink:

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I don't believe in ghost but when my nanas dog died my uncle diddnt know it had died and came to visit my nana he said he opened the gate and stroked the dog and whent in the house but the dog had been dead for three days before hand that did creep me out abit cos my uncle never believed in ghost till my nana said the dog was dead

fancy leaving a dead dog by the gate for three days!!!! :laugh::laugh:




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dont know aboot ghosts................




but i see thick people :laugh:

well you do live in Scotland :laugh::laugh:

Funny you should be on the ghost site since your dog in your avatar looks like a Slimer x of Ghostbusters........ :thumbs:

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Anyone who says they've seen a ghost are either mistaken or full of sh!t.


Ghost's! :rofl: a load of bollocks!


loads of people say that, and they might be right...but not many people would be willing to spend the night on their own in an old empty house in the middle of nowhere that's allegedly haunted, I know I fekkin wouldn't!!! :icon_eek:


I would if it proved to the world that Ghost aren't true.


If Ghosts are real then why is there no 100% evidence of them existing? From all the stories from all over the world, there should be proof of them sprouting up from somewhere.


I reckon the reason there isn't any of this evidence is because Ghosts are not REAL! :thumbdown: .

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