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electronic anti bark dog collar

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Hi All,


I have a pup currently in the process of getting used to being outside in the kennel/run. I figured that barking may be a problem so bought a anti bark collar just incase. (not the cheapest but not anything top of the range either) He has been introduced fairly steadily with the odd hour here and there. When we are in its easy enough to sort and as soon as I shout he goes quiet, if he does it again shortly after he gets water. He knows i dont want him making a noise but the problem I have is as soon as he hears the doors on the car go and the car drive off all hell breaks loose. Now, the collar stops him barking but the little shiester has figured that he can whine and not trigger anything off.... According to my neighbours this goes on from as soon as we leave untill when we get back although this may be getting slightly embelished to make their point its still going to be a problem long term...


I have two questions..


Is there an electronic collar that will trigger with whinning




Is there a collar that can be charged up from the mains (my current one works well but batterys seem to last about 3 days and if this goes on for a few months it will most likely run into the hundreds)


thanks in advance

Edited by lapin2008
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As far as I know there is nothing which works just on whining as the collar is triggered by the vibration in the throat: whining doesn't produce enough vibration as your pup has learned.


You know where you went wrong which is a start. What the pup thinks you've done to it is to throw it out of your pack when you put him in a kennel. Could you not crate him indoors when you have to leave him? Failing that: really long walk or loads of exercise to tire him out before putting in kennel, plus a good meaty bone to chew. Put him in the kennel really hungry, and a radio to ease the silence around him.


The other thing is to get another dog :icon_eek: to keep him company: though its not a good idea to get a dog for that reason only of course.

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As far as I know there is nothing which works just on whining as the collar is triggered by the vibration in the throat: whining doesn't produce enough vibration as your pup has learned.


You know where you went wrong which is a start. What the pup thinks you've done to it is to throw it out of your pack when you put him in a kennel. Could you not crate him indoors when you have to leave him? Failing that: really long walk or loads of exercise to tire him out before putting in kennel, plus a good meaty bone to chew. Put him in the kennel really hungry, and a radio to ease the silence around him.


The other thing is to get another dog :icon_eek: to keep him company: though its not a good idea to get a dog for that reason only of course.

Hi, thanks for your response, he knows when in the kennel that he should be silent as is good as gold (most the time) when we are in!! its only when we leave the house


I do have a crate in the house which is what i did with him when he was little but think he is too big now to be left in it long term. He has food in with him and bones/trotters most days so I dont think its a hunger thing.


I think its a most likely a company thing and I will try the radio with him. I will be getting another lurcher later this year once this one is fully up and running, I may get one on loan from a mate to see if this helps. if successful may try and adopt a retired lurcher or somethign.


thanks again for your help I have found him really easy to train and everything else is going well, its just the barking is a royal pain in the arse.



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As far as I know there is nothing which works just on whining as the collar is triggered by the vibration in the throat: whining doesn't produce enough vibration as your pup has learned.


You know where you went wrong which is a start. What the pup thinks you've done to it is to throw it out of your pack when you put him in a kennel. Could you not crate him indoors when you have to leave him? Failing that: really long walk or loads of exercise to tire him out before putting in kennel, plus a good meaty bone to chew. Put him in the kennel really hungry, and a radio to ease the silence around him.


The other thing is to get another dog :icon_eek: to keep him company: though its not a good idea to get a dog for that reason only of course.

Hi, thanks for your response, he knows when in the kennel that he should be silent as is good as gold (most the time) when we are in!! its only when we leave the house


I do have a crate in the house which is what i did with him when he was little but think he is too big now to be left in it long term. He has food in with him and bones/trotters most days so I dont think its a hunger thing.


I think its a most likely a company thing and I will try the radio with him. I will be getting another lurcher later this year once this one is fully up and running, I may get one on loan from a mate to see if this helps. if successful may try and adopt a retired lurcher or somethign.


thanks again for your help I have found him really easy to train and everything else is going well, its just the barking is a royal pain in the arse.




Dont for f**ks sake get another dog because the one you have whines, thats the worst excuse for getting a mutt ive ever come across, the whining is a minor complaint compared to the hassle of looking after 2 and problems that brings, how does the dog know he should be silent,? how does he know you leave the house,,what ever he knows or not ,dont leave food with him , feed him out of one of those kong things or something similar when your not there , if he has to eat his food one tiny piece at a time, whining wont be on his agenda,,

Edited by Casso
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As far as I know there is nothing which works just on whining as the collar is triggered by the vibration in the throat: whining doesn't produce enough vibration as your pup has learned.


You know where you went wrong which is a start. What the pup thinks you've done to it is to throw it out of your pack when you put him in a kennel. Could you not crate him indoors when you have to leave him? Failing that: really long walk or loads of exercise to tire him out before putting in kennel, plus a good meaty bone to chew. Put him in the kennel really hungry, and a radio to ease the silence around him.


The other thing is to get another dog :icon_eek: to keep him company: though its not a good idea to get a dog for that reason only of course.

Hi, thanks for your response, he knows when in the kennel that he should be silent as is good as gold (most the time) when we are in!! its only when we leave the house


I do have a crate in the house which is what i did with him when he was little but think he is too big now to be left in it long term. He has food in with him and bones/trotters most days so I dont think its a hunger thing.


I think its a most likely a company thing and I will try the radio with him. I will be getting another lurcher later this year once this one is fully up and running, I may get one on loan from a mate to see if this helps. if successful may try and adopt a retired lurcher or somethign.


thanks again for your help I have found him really easy to train and everything else is going well, its just the barking is a royal pain in the arse.




Dont for f**ks sake get another dog because the one you have whines, thats the worst excuse for getting a mutt ive ever come across, the whining is a minor complaint compared to the hassle of looking after 2 and problems that brings, how does the dog know he should be silent,? how does he know you leave the house,,what ever he knows or not ,dont leave food with him , feed him out of one of those kong things or something similar when your not there , if he has to eat his food one tiny piece at a time, whining wont be on his agenda,,


thanks for the response

I am getting another dog because i want one. A second dog was planned the latter part of this year anyway and am only toying with the idea at present and trying to eleminate possibilities. I wouldnt want two pups at once either way,


I dont see looking after the dog as a hassle or I wouldnt have got him in the first place. In terms of the extra effort, there will be the same amount of walking trips out etc. I suppose it will mean putting out an extra bowl of food and picking up twice the shit off the lawn and getting an extra jab once a year (I know of course there is more to it then this)


He knows he should be silent because once shouted to shut up he is quiet, I work from home a couple of days a week so can keep an eye on how he behaves and when he hears the wife get in the car and the engine start and car move off, he thinks he is home alone and kicks off. I shout at him and hes quiet again. When neither of us are in apparantly it doesnt stop.


Since he is still a pup I am feeding him twice a day. in the morning he gets a bowl full of food (dry) he does still has access to this all day and there is always stuff left at the end of the day he also almost everyday has some form of bone/animal feet etc. So i dont think food is the issue.


am almost certain it is a company thing him being used to being around us up untill now (my mistake) and finding himself suddenly out the back alone, I will try the radio out there and see if that works. I am also getting an adult dog on loan for a week or so to see how he responds to that, if it seems to work i may bring forward getting the 2nd dog


my wife doesnt work so has rearranged her week so that one of us is in all week to see how it all shapes up

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