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Anybody going the ferret show on 4th June in Alva?

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Hi guys, I was wondering if anybody is going the ferrets show in alva on Saturday? I know it's the wrong time of the year but I've not been to one before and I want to go and see what it's about. Cheers

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You think there will be ferrets for sale? I might just do that and post the pics up here. Surely they shouldn't be selling them at a show?

your the only 1 asking about the show no 1 on heres interested in going thats 2 threads u started lol think about it zzzzzzzzz . if u see a guy with a false beard n glasses thats the 1 selling chicken carcasses 2 fur a pound

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You think there will be ferrets for sale? I might just do that and post the pics up here. Surely they shouldn't be selling them at a show?

quote from fridays gumtree ad - make connections for selling kits and to promote responsible breeding - all this from the orginizers who have placed 16 ads since feb selling kits ,ferrets and ferrets wanted these include silvers,euros,champagne,bews,and of course the now famous micro greyhounds :laugh: they also claim to be the only breeders in scotland of small ferrets :blink::whistling:

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You've got too much time on your hands haha. The show wasnt bad. It was just a guy who wanted to set up a small show for fun and everybody wasnslating him. He's took some stick like, some c**t set his hutch on fire with his ferrets in them, that's no funny like

Edited by Veedublee
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