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i can take anything on my land,pheasants wer in the rong place at the rong time,so be it,wasnt intenshinal,but i aint gona check a 10,mth old pup for doin its job am i,no point in bringing it on if yu gona say leave

What did you expect when you posted the pic,a pat on the back?

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spoken like a true bellend

Difference is lab, hares aren't bred to mass order like your f*****g pheasants. Hares are wild, if you don't understand the difference you aren't a countryman. See this is the bottom line with you sho

I,m no trying to be a funny cxnt but there,s threads on here every day of the week, bull x,s, smashing foxes, big stuff,etc, all pre ban of course lol, and a guy puts a pic up with a couple of cock ph

i can take anything on my land,pheasants wer in the rong place at the rong time,so be it,wasnt intenshinal,but i aint gona check a 10,mth old pup for doin its job am i,no point in bringing it on if yu gona say leave

What did you expect when you posted the pic,a pat on the back?

keeper did :toast:
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it's a few pheasants that's all, how do you know that the land is shot over where he was mooching? There's no shoot near me for miles around and there are plenty of pheasants, I'll happily take them in any form of hunting. They are good eating! At the end of the day these rich landlords and toff's will happily cull hares in huge numbers with guns. Not exactly showing a lot of respect for our NATIVE quarry. But when we take a few pheasants by chance we are committing a crime. Put things in to perspective!

Rich landlords again? Change the record ,or get on some shoots, beating and meet these people.

N.B .Hare drives while distasteful to me and ,to most lurchermen are carried out during the Shooting SeasonSpot the difference?

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it's a few pheasants that's all, how do you know that the land is shot over where he was mooching? There's no shoot near me for miles around and there are plenty of pheasants, I'll happily take them in any form of hunting. They are good eating! At the end of the day these rich landlords and toff's will happily cull hares in huge numbers with guns. Not exactly showing a lot of respect for our NATIVE quarry. But when we take a few pheasants by chance we are committing a crime. Put things in to perspective!

Same old "Us and Them" .no wonder its hard to get permission .

Do you think everyone who shoots is rich ,or a toff ?Oh my Christ.


No i don't mate i've shot on driven shoots myself with working class men before. But i know that they wouldn't go mental over a few accidental pheasants if i was taking rabbits off crops that pheasants take cover and feed in. I've got permission on shooting land myself, i do the most i can to avoid taking pheasants but they are roaming birds and accidents happen end of.

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and you wander why the keepers hated you dell??????


but you bitch about them getting you back,what did you expect them to say well done ffs

I am afraid they started it shooting pet dogs and beating kids up but thats all in the past now.


are we back at school now then? they started it come on.


you go there poaching you ask for what you get then bitch when they hit back boo f****n hoo pal

Sorry but some of us were not born to tugg forlocks to wealthy landowners and their servants.

Or to respect Game Seasons ,which is much more the point of the argument.imo.

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it's a few pheasants that's all, how do you know that the land is shot over where he was mooching? There's no shoot near me for miles around and there are plenty of pheasants, I'll happily take them in any form of hunting. They are good eating! At the end of the day these rich landlords and toff's will happily cull hares in huge numbers with guns. Not exactly showing a lot of respect for our NATIVE quarry. But when we take a few pheasants by chance we are committing a crime. Put things in to perspective!

Same old "Us and Them" .no wonder its hard to get permission .

Do you think everyone who shoots is rich ,or a toff ?Oh my Christ.


No i don't mate i've shot on driven shoots myself with working class men before. But i know that they wouldn't go mental over a few accidental pheasants if i was taking rabbits off crops that pheasants take cover and feed in. I've got permission on shooting land myself, i do the most i can to avoid taking pheasants but they are roaming birds and accidents happen end of.

Does this make you a rich landlord or a toff then?


Talk about divide and conquer.

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Deary deary me......9 pages before i seen it..... :laugh: Now i know fine well that this site is littered with idiots but this is unbelieveable....... :wallbash: I've nothing against a dog hunting up and catching a pheasant or 2, thats life but to openly admit it and take photos.......well :doh:

And to anybody who thinks its funny to run them over and think there a pest dont cross the f*****g road in front of me please..... :wankerzo4:

Same f*****g twats trying to turn it into a class war again............f*****g grow up and go and learn some stuff. Plenty working class lads out there trying to make a bit coin by renting land and selling shooting. Dont be f*****g crying on here when your dogs belly up for killing poults in the summer.................. :feck:


if it wasnt on a shoot whats the problem?

no ones going out of there way to hurt anyones livelyhood,to most dog lads taking a chicken with a terrier is more of an accomplishment than some lord shooting it when its been flushed to him by a commoner.


and you cant say class doesnt come into it,ive yet to meet a chicken shooter who wasnt an up there own arse c**t,and ive met a few,maybe some arent ive just never met one.

but even with that said no one wants to take the 'sport' away from these creatures they can shoot running animals on their land,so whats wrong with someone dogging chickens on theirs?

Listen too your post.....hasn't someone got a bee in his bonnet about the shooters..... :laugh:

It just shows that you have not got a f*****g scooby doo about the pheasant shooting industry.....yes of course there are toffs that ignore you and treat you like shit but who cares.....its the ordinary working class lads that save up for a bit of shooting in the winter that i feel sorry for when there sport is being wrecked by poachers and people who think its great to catch pheasants with dogs and run them over. Hell mend you when you piss they guys off....... :yes:


whose poaching?

I wouldnt even class taking pheasants as poaching (because i dont class them as game,just livestock)its just stealing,and worse still stealing something very valuable to the owner.


it pisses me off that shooters try to lord it over everyone,if your chickens arent on your land dont expect anyone to go out of their way to keep the stupid fuckers alive.


as i said how about someone breeds loads of unwanted vermin and releases it on your land?

would you not want rid of it?


thats all your chickens are to most people,on your own land fair enough,everywhere else they shouldnt have a closed season.

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Strange isn't it: the shooters can put on posts of loads of rabbits laid out that they have shot at this time of year: no one bats an eyelid and heaps praise on their shooting ability. Someone comes on here with dogged rabbits and all hell lets loose :icon_eek: :icon_eek:

Dunno about the pheasants though; not a good idea to post them, even if they were accidental. A pheasant is always someone's property, in theory at any rate :whistling:

The point is the time of year, re, the pheasants surely?

Edited by inan
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Strange isn't it: the shooters can put on posts of loads of rabbits laid out that they have shot at this time of year: no one bats an eyelid and heaps praise on their shooting ability. Someone comes on here with dogged rabbits and all hell lets loose :icon_eek: :icon_eek:

Dunno about the pheasants though; not a good idea to post them, even if they were accidental. A pheasant is always someone's property, in theory at any rate :whistling:

The point is the time of year, re, the pheasants surely?

your pissing in the wind pal!! you cant educate ..pork!!!!! :laugh:

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a terrier and a cocker..........is this not the lurcher section.


Some feat that mate......baby/milky bunnies and 2 wild chickens.....you the man. :whistling:

some do it some dont give the lad a brake .................some of us have to be out with the dogs even if the season is not here yet ...... not sitting on here all the time slagging off peolpe ffs :wallbash:

I'm out every day ,but not around sitting pheasants.

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it's a few pheasants that's all, how do you know that the land is shot over where he was mooching? There's no shoot near me for miles around and there are plenty of pheasants, I'll happily take them in any form of hunting. They are good eating! At the end of the day these rich landlords and toff's will happily cull hares in huge numbers with guns. Not exactly showing a lot of respect for our NATIVE quarry. But when we take a few pheasants by chance we are committing a crime. Put things in to perspective!

Same old "Us and Them" .no wonder its hard to get permission .

Do you think everyone who shoots is rich ,or a toff ?Oh my Christ.


No i don't mate i've shot on driven shoots myself with working class men before. But i know that they wouldn't go mental over a few accidental pheasants if i was taking rabbits off crops that pheasants take cover and feed in. I've got permission on shooting land myself, i do the most i can to avoid taking pheasants but they are roaming birds and accidents happen end of.

Does this make you a rich landlord or a toff then?


Talk about divide and conquer.


far from it, the shoot I shot on doesn't drive hare's to gun and don't go mental over a few accidental pheasants. The people who annoy me are the stuck up types who, the majority of pheasants shooters and wealthy land owners are, not all but a good number. These types don't have the first idea about hunting of field craft they just come out of their manor houses with their Chelsea tractors and get birds driven to them for them to shoot at. They shoot a few and give each other a pat on the back and go home. If they knew anything about hunting they would know that accidents happen. Hats off to the keepers that put up with them, because i know i couldn't.

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I personally don't think it comes down to class, IMO & from personal experience from various shoots it boils down to pheasant shooters adopting a 'holier than thou' attitude, whether middle or working class. The amount of terrier/lurcher lads getting on a bit who have got rid of said dogs in favour of guns/gundogs is quite amusing in regards to how their attitudes change. Pheasant shooters pay for their sport, us poor dog folk rely on landowners/farmers etc to gift us our sport in exchange for a free service so from from the off shooters have an automatic higher standing in society don't they?

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after reading all this i have changed my opinion and i have to agree with some of the lads if they get up in front of you kill them the c**ts that own them look down their nose at lurcher and terrier men so f**k them. a bit like when restrictions were put on digging men the c**ts with the red coats on said f**k you jack were ok then when the ban came to them. its every body rally round an save or sport

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Would half the critics commenting have a problem if these lads had no option but to continue controlling rabbits throughout the summer as part of their permission or lose the land? As for the pheasants, an added bonus to the bag no more no less. Anyone stating they kept terriers for the sole purpose of catching pheasants would be ridiculed/slated beyond belief. FFS get a grip lads :no:

Am not interested in the rabbits, there vermin and haven't cost anybody thousands of pounds, infact maybe the opposite and the rabbits are causing damage so good ridance to them. Its the attitude of some folk thinking that killing pheasants, out of season or not is acceptable when you dont have the permission to do so..... :censored:

Did these lads state they were poaching?

Oh sorry neither they were.....they probably paid for the pheasants as well. Theres only one 'p' in respect right?....oh f**k knows why i'm asking you.... :doh:

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