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Would not touch them again :thumbdown: , one of the best dogs i ever had years ago died contrating a flesh eating bug from a small unseen punture wound from a feral cat, locked him up for the night and when i checked him the next morning the bug had stripped his leg near to the bone and up to his chest vet couldnt do anything, my advice stay WELL clear.:sick:

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Don't let your dog near them they are bad news.



spot on :thumbs: , had bitch bitsa that was a fecker for them. One day mooching by a wood, she marked thick hedge i though it was rabbit in there. When out shot a big Tom cat, she ran to the wood after it. She got +killed it, but feck he ripped her in the face, and nearly got her eye :thumbdown: . Cleaned her up with hot TCP, fed her that night+put her in the kennel. Next she day couldnt get out of her kennel, her front leg was twice the feckin norm size, she was hell of alot of pain, took her right to the vet. The vet put her on a drip, the leg had gone (gangrene) :thumbdown: he kept her in for 3 days. She came out after and was ok, But the vet said if i had left her another 8 hours before she would have lost the leg :cry: . Iknow cats are knocking about, and you do feckin bump in to them :doh: , but i do try keep well away if i can BAD NEWS :yes:

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cornered 1 in a pigeon loft years ago after a few mins discussion with the mate ,off came his new fleece , the fkr got up the sleeve and after a few attempts to get it out , it was given the garden fork . both were buried together rip new fleece jacket :laugh:

Edited by f mac
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