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well folks

as on my other posts i invited baghdadnights (kev) over to shoot at the manor we arrange to meet at mine for 18:30 but the a14 was crammed again and poor kev got stuck in the traffic so when kev turned up we headed out to the manor i walked kev around to show him the land (which i hope he liked ) and told him as he was a guest he had to shoot first which wasn't long as we move from the car a rabbit sat there waiting so kev took the shot and down she went a good 30mtrs shot with his lovely looking stealth :notworthy: so with a smile on our faces we carried on walking as i said to kev you can have the next shot which he did 2 more rabbits to kev me none :icon_redface: lol so off we went again this time is was my turn and yes you know it i bloody missed hummm i'll try again noooooooo missed again thinking to myself and feeling like a prat i checked my zero at 30mtrs and the pellet dropped hummmm my target at home i had set up wasnt 30mtrs but 25mtrs thats why i was missing :icon_eek::censored::wallbash::icon_redface: so now i knew what was wrong i sorted it and off we went again lol

all in all me and kev had a great night shooting and trust me folks when i say kev is a true gent i mean it folks he has a couple of very nice set up's ie the stealth with nice wood grips and cracking falcon with NV set up cracking all in all plus a few others he left at home i really had a good night tonight and wanted to thank kev to for coming over

through the next couple of hours we ended up with 9 rabbits we lost a few in the nettles and them going back down the holes but to be honest i had a great night and i hope kev did to :thumbs:

this is what it's all about being able to share and take new members or other members out for a shoot if they can get over here i wouldnt think twice of taking a trusted member over to the manor

i got a couple of pictures but some didnt turn out and no vid sorry folks

so i hope you like the picture folks

and all these rabbits were head shot or heart and the last few were lamped as well which i found out tonight the place has never been lamped as when we turned the lamp on the rabbits didnt even move which made it so my easier to shoot and the paddox was great for rabbits as when i turned the lamp on (logun lamp) the whole field moved with eyes they were everywhere i have never seen a place like it and not only that you could nearly work right upto them without them running it was great i really had a great time and it makes alot of difference if someone goes with you to :thumbs:


9 rabbits in total that we found anyway but still 9 that wont be causing anymore damage to a beautiful manor as i showed kev no matter were you walk these rabbit runs and warren everywhere


a big thank you to kev and your a true gent mate and look forward to popping over again


all the best



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All the thanks goes to you bud. The manor is a fantastic permission rabbits literally round every bush corner and fence with great company what more could a man ask for,(well apart from a couple of lap dancers waiting in the car when we get back he he) shays a top bloke and his ultra looks even better in the flesh so much so ones next on my shopping list. I'll get you over for a bit of squirrel bashing soon as the pheasant feeders are back in action. Thanks again bud for the invite look forward to meeting up again soon I'll remember to bring a proper torch next time.

Atb. Kev

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hi ya kev

thank you very much and lap dancers hummm sounds good lol

and i forgot to say that it was you that got most of the rabbits :thumbs:

and squizzer bashing sounds good buddy

thank you again though kev as you said it's alot better if your out with someone else

and next your over i will get more pictures lol



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good work lads, and a great write up shay mate. looks like you'll be working the manor for a while then mate?


surely a man with your club contacts could have some dancers sorted in the future tho buddy...


cheers, wurz

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Good post shay mate keep it up. If your looking for tag alongs I'm not too far away and being a landscape gardener it's a shame to see a place like that being eaten alive , the old manor houses tend to have a nice Victorian heritage with walled gardens.

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