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Help plz. How do I introduce my hob to my new Jill?

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I agree mate. It is a weird one but he's here now. Didn't want to leave him with them divvies that I got him off. Thanks for all the help aswell. Appreciated mucka

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No problem matey! It doesnt really matter, as either way, he will be old enough to work this coming season. Just need to make sure he's come into season before he gets sorted i think. Sounds like you did them a favour taking them on, and i hope they bring you much much pleasure and sport. :thumbs:

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Glad he is with you where he can get a decent life.

I imagine he is from last summer as well - its amazing how last years kits all of a sudden happen to be 9-10 weeks old when the owners cant sell them.

I think they put it on the ads as more people want a young one and then just pray its some beginner who wont recognise that its older.

So many people sadly lie about their age to shift what they cant sell/give away.

Just pleased he is with someone decent now

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I knew he wasn't as young as at said he was, thought he was older, I didn't ask any questions as I just though, give her te money and get to f**k. Some people are arseholes [bANNED TEXT] it comes to trying to shift them like. I paid well over the odds aswell for him. If anybody wants to know it was out of the pet shop in Carlisle. Weird finding ferrets in a pet shop i know. I just felt so sorry for him and knew some prick from that area would buy him and treat him like shit

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