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Help plz. How do I introduce my hob to my new Jill?

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I was looking for help on how is the

Best way to introduce my ferrets. I've just got a Jill that's 4 years old and neutered. Ive got 3 young un-neutered hobs, one 15 weeks and the other two 8-9 weeks. I put her in te run with the younger ones and she is perfect, very gentle ad doesn't bother them. I put her in the run with my older hob and he just jumps on her and grips her neck and pins her down. The Jill is kind of submissive but hisses sometimes at him and walks off. Although there's a massive age difference he is almost as big as her.


I've got the same 'problem' with the 15wk old and the wee guys, he's a lot more agile than they are and stronger. When they're together he bounces about and does the same, grips them on the back of their neck and pins them down, he let's go sometimes but now and then he just pins them, they want to play with him but I think he's maybe too rough for the stage they're at? I'm sure once they mature a bit they would be able to hold their own and play together? Help would be appreciated. Thanks

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Thanks, she's brilliant with the 9week old kits, found them sleeping together in a cardboard box full or shredded paper. The other hob is maybe a bit to energetic for her. She's really lazy and too soft for her own good with him

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Thanks, she's brilliant with the 9week old kits, found them sleeping together in a cardboard box full or shredded paper. The other hob is maybe a bit to energetic for her. She's really lazy and too soft for her own good with him

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Id just be tempted to put her in with them ,and rely on her mothering them but as shes been dressed i dont know if her mothering instincts would kick in

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i was just going to put her in with them but the older hob might be too playfull and as she doesnt play back she will surely be getting pissed off. she doesnt mother them shes just ignores them, she likes her own space i think. shes been on her own for 4 years

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Might be a idea to make interacting with each other a rewarding experience. I know many hunting folk aren't a fan of products, but using something like Ferrets Formula/Ferretone might help. Put some of the oil on the scruff of each ferret before letting them in with each other, if they bite/grab the neck they will probably start to lick/groom the oil off each other and help them bond.


Best of luck anyway.

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I think I've almost cracked it mate.I've been putting the Jill and the 4 month hob together for short periods of time and playing with them. Over the few times they have been together the Jill has started standing upto the hob who isn't being nasty, definitely just playing. I let the 2 young hobs, the 4month hob and the Jill out in the flower patch and it was such a rewarding experience. They were all digging, playing about and play fighting. They were all chuckling and nipping eachother and running away. Even the 9am jobs are giving it a go and getting stuck in, they're getting big now, more agile aswell. It was so good to see the Jill settling in. I've split them up again tonight so she can get some peace and not be harassed by the others. Found her asleep with the 9am jobs yesterday when I left them in the run together. That must be good.


Sent pics to her previous owner, I could tell that she really loved Zuza( the Jill- had to keep her name didn't I!) and was going to miss her. I don't mind keeping her updated because she really cared, not like some people who get a ferret, get bored And give it to someone else who will soon get bored. Thanks for the help though lads. Will start keeping them in the same hutch once they've all been neutered. The older hob is in on the 4th July. Hope it goes ok. At . Lee

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You sure he is only 4 month? Just he sounds like he is trying to mate her? Also that hob would have been born start of feb? With the jill that had it mated around mid december, which would be highly unusual?

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That's what I thought mate. When I got him the woman said he was 9 weeks old which I knew wasn't true, she was trying to feed me a load of lies and told her I knew he wasn't as young as she said he was. She tried blagging me and I just took the ferret and got to f**k. I thought he was around 13 weeks but went the vets on Wednesday and he said he was around 4 months. His balls are there like. Gettin him done on 4th July. Forgot to say that he is still very young, you can tell, he's very light, and soft. He's not as built as other hobs yet. Cheers

Edited by Veedublee
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His balls ain't out but you can feel them, stil not mature. I'm no expert like. The vet said he was around 4 months so i guess he must be right. I've got 9- almost 10 week old kits and they could sit on my hand when i got them 2 weeks ago and now they're catching up with him, in the way of size and they're getting agile now. Edited last post to say he was definitely young a not mature. You can just tell by holding him, he's not built like an adult would be. My 16month polecat was big and heavy and his structure was strong. The young lad ain't, he's still light and my built. If you get me

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Ah, i thought you meant they had dropped. Still VERY unlikely that the ferret is 4 months old mate, unless kept specially for breeding purposes, in temp and light controlled rooms, it would be a freaky jill that will come into season in the U.K in mid december. Bit of a wierd one.

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