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terrier boxes

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boxes look nice but the wire dosen't look very strong dogs could rip it off if one is left in the van while it can hear the other one working,seen it happen a few times


just being constructive :thumbs:

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thanks for the comment pal iv never seen it happen with any of my dogs but theres some f*****g mad dogs that probably could rip it ofbut if you leave any terrier in a small space for any lenth of time shit usually happens

Edited by b53hunt
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Guest eastmids

thanks for the comment pal iv never seen it happen with any of my dogs but theres some f*****g mad dogs that probably could rip it ofbut if you leave any terrier in a small space for any lenth of time shit usually happens

not crabbing your gear they look tidy boxes,heres a box i used to use,,,between leaving the house and getting to farm my old dog rip that mesh up and chewed the door.we didnt here a thing over the engine noise so had a good ole shock when we open the truck door and the dog jumped out the back..



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looks like you need a new box pal and i hope your dog didnt eat the mesh and i think your dog may have issues with terrier boxes i have a mad as f**k jack russel and he hates been locked up and hes never touched it and this is the same dog that chewed its way into a rabbit hutch to get the bunny atb pal regards ben

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