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Ferret show in Alva- dodgy?

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Hi everyone. I seen an advert on gumtree and in the ad trader advertising this ferret show in Alva on June 4th. I was thinking about going for a wee look but I seen a thread somewhere saying that the people running it are dodgy? I'm not sure why, something to do with advertising ferrets that aren't available etc? Anyway i don't know but does anybody know if it's worth going or is it a sham? Any help would be appreciated as it's an hour drive away ad I don't wanna waste my time.


Atb lee

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Hi everyone. I seen an advert on gumtree and in the ad trader advertising this ferret show in Alva on June 4th. I was thinking about going for a wee look but I seen a thread somewhere saying that the people running it are dodgy? I'm not sure why, something to do with advertising ferrets that aren't available etc? Anyway i don't know but does anybody know if it's worth going or is it a sham? Any help would be appreciated as it's an hour drive away ad I don't wanna waste my time.


Atb lee

I understand you,re from Edinburgh area, wait a few weeks mate and there will be lots of ferrets advertised localy :thumbs:

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I'm not after ferrets mate, I've got enough lol I think you read that wrong. I just want to go to the show to have a look at what it's all about as I've not been to one before. But read a thread that the people running it are dodgy, not too sure why.

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never said the show was dodgy just dont see the point of having 1 at this time of year go along by all means ,,, i wont buy ferrets from them but u need to check back gumtree ads going back several months there always buying and selling ferrets of some sort :whistling: your call ,

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Mac- I'm not after ferrets mate, my hands are full atm. It wasn't you that said they were dodgy, there's a post somewhere about 2 pregnant jills and a hob being on sale on gumtree and the guys have posted saying that there's something not right with these guys. I'm not too sure, look for the thread. Just wanted to know if anybody knew if it was going to be a waste if time going that's all mate

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Just realised that MAC- you were the one that posted the thread haha. Didnt click then. I didnt know how else to put it apart from dodgy or something not quite right with them. I don't know lol. Maybe they're just after making money. Might just go along and post to let you know what it was like. Atb

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