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big cats in donegal

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  On 29/05/2011 at 17:29, Ramboj96 said:

Does any one know about big black cats in Co Donegal? we just found a big paw print in the mud while out looking for red deer for when the season starts

i,ve been out for the last 2 weeks almost tracking this big cat! I've met with the park ranger and showed him the place were i found the first paw print and the eaten sheep and we found another paw print! the ranger would not confirm or deny if its a big cat,plus the farmers in the area have seen something big and black and their animals have been spooked for the last number off weeks so i've been out at all given hours using night vision, high power scopes and sand traps on any wide runs so i would get a paw print! today it finally payed off with a cost i got 2 paw prints one in mud on a dirt road and the other one in my sand traps about 20 m apart but also my dog a english springer spaniel found the thing that made the prints! the poor wee fellow was tore open from the top of his head down to just above the middle of his 2 eyes a deep nast gash! the dog is okay now but didnt stop shaking all evening! also before the dog was attacked i heard aloud noise like a roar off some sort but couln't identify what it was but it was close, I have photo's off the paw prints and the gash on the dogs head and will up load once i figure how too!I've done everything I could possibly do apart from get a photo off it or produce a boby but one off these i will do!

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  On 06/06/2011 at 23:17, DottyDoo said:

get the pic of the 1 in sand trap up :hmm:



did you use anything for scale in the pics?



No i didn,t think off it but it was just smaller than a mans hand with his fingers curled up!post-62972-0-00906700-1307403163_thumb.jpg

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  On 06/06/2011 at 23:58, Attack Fell Terrier said:
  On 06/06/2011 at 23:38, stoaty said:

its a large dog print imo a cats claws are retracted when they walk they only come out to grip prey or claw trees etc

regards Stoaty


I think you're right mate :good:



Large dog print :blink: :blink: his dogs been nailed along with sheep , theres obviously something and it aint no dog !:doh:

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  On 29/05/2011 at 17:29, Ramboj96 said:

Does any one know about big black cats in Co Donegal? we just found a big paw print in the mud while out looking for red deer for when the season starts


Theres some dirty big cats in donegal alright ,i remember one clawed the back of me a few

years ago and i couldn,t go home to the wife for a fortnight . :tongue2:

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Not saying there is or isnt a big cat around.But can tell you there not big cat prints

The shape of a big cat print is a lot rounder,plus you can see claw marks,You wouldnt see that in a cat.

Those 2 are a dog.

A cougar track


Edited by weasle
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