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Gamekeeper killed by own snare

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Hi all. I was just wanting to post to tell you about an old gamekeeper I used to work for, I dot want to name any names for the dignity of his family so for this I will just call him matt.


I used to work for matt as an underkeeper. He taught me the tricks if the trade and enlightened me to the world that is ferreting. He was a decent man, giving me loads freebies which is why I liked him so much! Only kidding.


He used to ring me at 5am when he cudnt be arsd and make me go and check allthe traps and fox snares- and that was before I had started work. Oh the joy.


Matt started having family problems ad it was left to me to keep our 1/3rd of the estate. Matt didn't turn up to help me for 3 days and I thought this was highly unusual. I went round to his house but no answer. I was pretty pissed of like as I had run the show for over a month now and I was only 16.


The head gamekeeper called me in a few hours later and explained that matt had hung himself in his attic- his weapon of choice was 2 fox snares tied round a beam with some rope. I didn't know they could hold so much weight as he weighed around 20stone.


I didnt want to keep up the gamekeeping after that as I respected matt a lot. I owe a great deal to him and he is the reason that i kept up with my ferrets, he loved working them. R.I.p

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It would appear that it is not that uncommon for gamekeepers to take their own lives by various means and it is really tragic that someone can get that distraught in their personal life that they choose to take their own lives.

Frederick Rolfe the "King of the Norfolk Poachers" ( the man in the book "I walked by Night ) Also chose to hang himself with snare wire and it was reported at the time that it was a rabbit snare..........now a fox wire i can believe..........but a rabbit wire takes some believing............maybe the coroner just assumed it was a rabbit snare not knowing the difference ....! Nevertheless its sad that anyone should choose to end their lives in such a way.

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Wow, a rabbit snare? That does take some believing! In my experience many gamekeepers work alone, at unsociable hours. They shoot at night, do their work in the day and put up snares when everybody else is socialising at the pub. Maybe that's why they take their own lives.


I suppose your father chose to ' live by the gun- die by the gun' sorry to hear about your loss.

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Wow, a rabbit snare? That does take some believing! In my experience many gamekeepers work alone, at unsociable hours. They shoot at night, do their work in the day and put up snares when everybody else is socialising at the pub. Maybe that's why they take their own lives.


I suppose your father chose to ' live by the gun- die by the gun' sorry to hear about your loss.

Dont talk fekin daft maybe thats why they take their own lives .

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I live in what was once a keepers cottage and is now named after him as he took his own life with a 12bore in the kitchen, he had been unwell for a while and was awaiting test results back with a strong history of cancer in his family the thought of the illness was to much for him to bare. The results came back clear. :(

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some sad stories here, but under no circumstances would i take my own life, id sooner grab a ruck sack and the dogs and live in the wild :thumbs:

the local keeper to me, his brother did the same over a woman! never worth it :thumbdown:

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some sad stories here, but under no circumstances would i take my own life, id sooner grab a ruck sack and the dogs and live in the wild :thumbs:

the local keeper to me, his brother did the same over a woman! never worth it :thumbdown:


I split up with the mrs a few months ago and though I never came anywhere close to that I can see how someone without a really close family and friends who spends all their time out alone with alot of time to dwell on it could. Add to that worries about job security half a bottle of whiskey and easy access to guns and its no wonder keepers farmers and country people figure high up in the suicide stats.

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I live in what was once a keepers cottage and is now named after him as he took his own life with a 12bore in the kitchen, he had been unwell for a while and was awaiting test results back with a strong history of cancer in his family the thought of the illness was to much for him to bare. The results came back clear. :(


Need any artexing or plastering doing? Cheap rates :whistling:

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Gamekeeper I knew always had a drink problem as far as I was aware. His wife left him cos of it & took his son. Always a gentleman though & would let us do anything. We'd turn up at his house to the same reply, "do you's want the rimfire or the shotgun? Anyone stops you chuck it in the hedge & let me know where it is. Have fun lads", this was years ago & we didn't have a licence :D . Sadly my mate went up to shoot some rabbits one day & there was police everywhere. Mate asked what had happened & was told the keeper had hung himself in the wood behind the house. Very sad day, RIP Lawrence

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