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Best lining for ferret cage?

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I was wondering what the best stuff to use to put in my ferret hutch? I used woodshavings but the shavings stuck to the meat I was giving them. I've got 8wk old kits and didn't want them eating the shavings. I decided to put newspaper in the main run and keep using blankets/ straw in the bed compartment. The newspaper works fine but it get soaked with the piss very easily and stays wet whereas shavings soak the piss up. Any suggestions? Can't be doing with wood shavings all round my garage. Thnx

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Shredded papers bulky to get rid of hold moisture and your kits can get lost in a blanket and straw ,hay etc has hollow stems that can harbour fleas .i will stick to shavings best i had was red cedar shaving they smelled fresh all the time

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im trying lino twinned with a small pooper scooper, with kitchen roll and "small animal safe" cleaning spray from pets at home to clean up whats left.


once ive got the jill going loo in the same corner as the hob i'll probably still cut out a square of floor and put a tray underneath with a cage/wiremesh over top to prevent falling in :)

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I'm gonna make a tiny litter tray with a high back inthe corner the ferrets are going the toilet. It will e removable and only small so inexpensive. Just thought of that:)

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