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12 hour hardcore rabbit control!!

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Hi every one

It’s been a while!

Reason for this been on tour and not liking the posts recently of bitching,slagging,just general shite!! :thumbdown:


Right rant over!!


Andy was due at 3:00am so we could get to the permission before sun up, so I got up at 2:00am and I set about making a flask of coffee and Jo made some choclit brownies the night before mmmmmm!


Andy arrived on time packed all the kit in and we were off, we got to the permission at 3:45am it was just getting light, but not light enough so we attached the lamps. I jumped out and opened the gate as I was doing this I signalled to Andy that there were 3 at 12:0clock Andy drove in the gate was closed I jumped in and said to Andy right hand down!


By the time Andy had the required lock down we was just on zero 35/37 yds, I shouldered the AAS410K .177 and sent three AA field 8.4gr in consecutive shots to the required target, THWACK! THWACK!! THWACK!!! All three went down cracking shooting replied Andy, my reply was I’ll teach you one day!! LOL


We decided to pick em up on the way back up the field, as Andy had spotted two on his side to the right, so a slow crawl in the truck. Andy shouldered his AAS410K .177 super lite Took aim THWACK! THWACK!! Over they went, nice shooting!

5 minutes in the field and 5 in the bag, “this is going to be a good day” we both said!


Where the first 5 fell












This one I caught grazing!!




We drove east in the field and checked both fence lines as we went down knocking a few more over as we went, as we was approaching the end of the field I was just saying to Andy “there is never any down this far!” and to prove me wrong, a bunny came bouncing out of know where and andy had it in his cross hairs in seconds it stopped I sucked me lips head up THWACK! Another for Andy, quick response job done!


Now we headed back up to pick up the fallen, but to our amazement two had kicked there selves in to the nettles never to be seen again! But we had a couple more on the way back to pick em up lol.


Now we entered the next field, I jumped out opened the gate and signalled Andy once again 4 at 2 o’clock, we drove in left hand down long shot, so out came Andy’s Bushnell range finder ping! 50yds.once again the AAS410K was in action long shot lots of concentration as it was a bit windy. I had no doubt that it would go over since he had a rapid reg put in the AA.THWACK! Over it went one slight kick of the leg and lights out.


As we drove round picking off the quarry there was 2 red kites following us, ready for us to make a mistake and they would have been on it like a flash! But we didn’t make any!


As we drove down to the main manor house, I remember Robert (the land owner) saying last night that there was a few in the garden area, so we drove past slowly and sure enough there was one there! My side my bunny lol a tricky shot this one as I had to shoot through the farm gate, but with a bit of direction to Andy on manoeuvring the truck our team work payed of. Cross hairs locked on ¾ mil dot hold over mag 10 steady breathing, took up the first stage and exhale squeeze! THWACK! A nice back flip and a landing to die for! Lol as we carried on around the fields we both had a few more! And we were at the back again and decided to have a cuppa and the choclit brownies mmmmmm!


Coffee break!




Then after a few more bunnies to bash! As the wind started to rise we decided to go to permission just around the corner! 5 minutes away, an Orchard it’s a small orchard but was protected from the high winds!


On me opening the gate as per usual there was 4 at 1 o’clock, and also in here were some young cows (Black Angus cattle??) I may be wrong, but they proved to be a bit of a challenge for us. As they would not leave the truck alone and even tried to eat the Ariel lol as well as lick the paint work off the truck DOH!!! Many a time we had to shoo them away to get a shot off.












We had a few more in this orchard, and also the best! Shot of the day. Fell to me

A 47yd standing (supported) head shot on a pigeon, although Andy would disagree! Lol


Pic of the head shot





The other one





Because the cows were giving us grief we decided to go another permission 5 minutes away to the horse paddock which is also surrounded by crops “hence the wood pigeon culls”




As we entered the paddocks there were about 4 pigeons and four bunnies on the front paddock, I had to open the gate so I took the liberty of taking the pigeon too! THWACK!

Down it went just like the rest! And Andy took another bunny from the hedge row.





We pulled up to our usual parking spot, a time to charge up the rifles with air and check the walkie talkies were working. Andy went over to where chaz usually goes and I set about a stalk to the centre of the paddocks, with scopecam on the rifle.


This bunny was about 70yds so a good bit of stalking was called for in open land, every thing was going well as it had already stooped. Then I just entered the final paddock and it bolted! DOH!!!


But all was not lost as I spotted another stooped down among a load of buttercups;

I ranged it at 50yds with my guntuff range finder, and got down in a prone position I turned on the scopecam but it was to windy at that distance so I decided to crawl for a further ten/15yds to get within my zero range on came the scopecam and here is what happened!


Video footage



We stayed in the paddocks for a good couple of hours we had a pigeon .and another cuppa coffee. By this time I had lost count of what we both had shot. Before us both set of, to gainfield about 10 minutes away. On our arrival no enemy at the gate lol, but long grass greeted us. We drove round to the large warren but only seen one kit in an hour, and were up against visual ID of a bunny because of the long grass. So we called it a day there! And we went on to “Stanford house” about 15 minutes away.


No gates here just big Portland stone pillars leading down to a 500yd drive way, we pulled up and let the polish workers know we were there “polish you ask” the main manor house is under construction, I know the builder that’s how we got the permission “good times”


Any ways we both set of for a mooch, as we came through the court yard and opened the old door which separates the main garden to the house. There was a squizzer just running over to a big ole Oak tree, but luckily for the squizzer it was fast! And we had no chance of having it!


Andy hasn’t been to our permission here before so I showed him around and the boundaries, we had a stroll threw the wooded area adjacent to the manor house, but nothing was showing us its kill zone lol we carried on south to the far back of the property and showed Andy where Si had got 13 bunnies in one afternoon. And just as we were walking parallel with the copse I spotted a bunny about 25/27 yds in front of us!


A stern stop! To Andy I was down on one knee AAS410 shouldered on my way down forearm parallel with my thigh, cross hairs on the kill zone “the back of its head” a nice gentle squeeze THWACK!! Just bowled forward, on our approach to piss it off we had noticed its eyes and knew the signs “MIXY” as we had seen a lot of it today but still put them out of there misery!


Some Mixy pics









We had another walk around and it had started to get very windy, so we called a couple of local butchers 2 didn’t want any they had enough, and one local butcher wanted some but at a £ a go DOH!! But it will pay for our HW filling probe O rings if Andy can get them at the Highclere game fare Sunday.


Thanks to Andy for picking me up, and also for taking my advice on his marksmanship!! Lol ,if I have forgotten any details I am sure Andy will tell you them!


Great day (12 hours), great company, great shooting!!!!!!


Hope you enjoyed it as much as we did?


PS. We also beat our joint PB by 8


The bag



Group photo







And the shooter, who had best shot of the day!!





Happy hunting





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thats a quality read mate the only thing i would like to clarify was the shot of the day being a 50yrd bunnie in 250 mile winds blindfolded :feck: :tongue4:


thanks for a great day definatly the best yet :thumbs:

i think we will strugle to beat that bag for a while. :11:

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Nice shooting!


Davy, you going to Highclere? We're heading over on monday (thought it was today and tomorrow, so trundled over there this morning only to find I'd got my dates wrong, d'oh!)


Next time you're up this way give me a shout, drop in for a cuppa!

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lol weve both been away for a while for the same reasons sods law you come back and start with a post like that lol ....nice cracking day with good numbers brilliant to see mate



atb gary

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:icon_eek: the boys are back in town!!


nice shooting lads, great write up and photos davy, and well done for shot of the day, er, one of you anyway :blink:


you've been missed here fellas


all the best, wurz

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Verry impressve haul :thumbs:

Great post and great shooting.


I do beleve there is a mistake in this post though. . . . .


quote Davy, "i jumped out to open the gate" no way!! Must be a type 'o' :laugh: :laugh:


Well done lads, the early bird catches the worm :thumbs:


.atb. .ste.

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hi ya lads

well what more can be said you aint been around for a while and this is what you come back with well done to you all cracking shooting and write up plus pictures and vid to makes mine look small :icon_eek:


congrats on the shoot lads


all the best



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  On 28/05/2011 at 18:07, ANDY&ARCHIE said:

thats a quality read mate the only thing i would like to clarify was the shot of the day being a 50yrd bunnie in 250 mile winds blindfolded :feck: :tongue4:


thanks for a great day definatly the best yet :thumbs:

i think we will strugle to beat that bag for a while. :11:


hi Andy

it was a bit windy in the field & in the truck on the way back!

you dirty fecker!!! :tongue2:



  On 28/05/2011 at 18:13, Mazing said:

Awesome bud


thanks buddy



  On 28/05/2011 at 18:49, matt_hooks said:

Nice shooting!


Davy, you going to Highclere? We're heading over on monday (thought it was today and tomorrow, so trundled over there this morning only to find I'd got my dates wrong, d'oh!)


Next time you're up this way give me a shout, drop in for a cuppa!


hi matt

no i am not going but Andy went and said it was shite! :thumbdown:

but will take you up on the offer



  On 28/05/2011 at 18:59, fry said:

great read and great shooting top post. :thumbs:


thanks Fry

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Hi Gary

Nice to see ya back like!!

Shame the comp started today though, or you would have had no chance AGAIN!!!! :tongue2:





Thanks Wurz


It was deffo my shot of the day :thumbs:



Thanks SS :thumbs:




Hi Steve

Yeah my finger is getting better, although it dose have its moments!

Mainly when i go to visit Andy :laugh:




  On 28/05/2011 at 22:39, Buster321c said:

Ello stranger :thumbs:


PM incomming



Thanks bustie!!

Appreciated :thumbs: :thumbs:




  On 28/05/2011 at 22:59, venomviper said:

hi ya lads

well what more can be said you aint been around for a while and this is what you come back with well done to you all cracking shooting and write up plus pictures and vid to makes mine look small :icon_eek:


congrats on the shoot lads


all the best




Thanks shay

Good to see ya video shooting going well


Well done buddy :thumbs:


  On 29/05/2011 at 07:31, Webby1 said:



its all been said on other replies to this post :victory:


great read cheers






Thanks Dave :thumbs:



  On 29/05/2011 at 10:46, lighthunter said:

o right,what happened to'MY'phone call then. :censored: lol.good shooooooooting lads.regards chaz


Hi Chaz

I lost my phone in the earthquake! We had Saturday morning, while you were asleep: :icon_redface: tongue2:


Thanks every one for the comments :thumbs:





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