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  Ditch_Shitter said:
  borderboy said:

I bet theres a greater number of ferrets being worked with a collar on than without?



Think so? Frankly; I was nicely surprised myself! Control Figures.


I think that was a bit of a loaded Q, there was no scope for answers, either "Putting in a naked ferret and using Field Craft" or "I put in a Collared ferret and rely on Box and Spade", what about "I put in a Collared ferret and rely on fieldcraft, resorting to the locator if something goes wrong"?

I didnt vote in that poll because there wasnt an option that suited, and i assumed that using a collar on a ferret was standard practice??


BorderBoy :)

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

Agreed, Borderboy; That Poll, like any other not undetaken by some highly trained ~ and thus probably paid, motivated and thus 'Positivist' ~ body was somewhat rough and ready. But then, I consider this place much like a Pub. I say what's on my mind and answer from the hip. Most of the time. Thus I fielded the question as a matter of light interest. I could have just asked: " Do you like Locators? ". I could have asked if ye go out mid week, what weather ye prefer and wether ye use that sacred collar on ye best hob or jill. What's the point? It was just a 'Straw Poll'.


Personally, I've never placed my hand on a Locator Box. So hang me. 'I have no experiance of what I speak of'. Fine. You ' Assumed Locators were standard practice.' That's fine too. Shall we swing together? I haven't checked the latest figures. What % deems " Standard Practice "?


You'll note, if ye examine my own Posts as closely as some may study that Polls results, that I may state my own points of view - often, seemingly - quite strongly. But I don't think ye'll ever find me denegrating the next mans. I don't feel you're trying to do that either ;) It was just a question. The answers must now speak for themselves.


Frankly, from what I saw, last time I checked in on that Thread, I think it may be another decade before we see a huge and decisive swing to either side. Don't you? Mildly interesting, as it stands. But nothing conclusive. I'll just shrug and move on. I'm too old to try to change the world now. Let the world get on with it as it sees fit.

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I only know of maybe 2 people in Australia that use collars and about 50 ferreters that have never heard of them. Unless you're sitting on forums they are not in your face, I only heard of them last year.

Yeah I spose now and again they could have come in handy on some outings but instead I sat and was patient and waited for her to come out. I always have a dog with me that covers the other side of the warrens and lets me know if its come out if its in grassy areas. It just means you have to be observant/patient so it doesn't slip away (not that you don't have to be observant collared up or not). I think loosing them means a)it has slipped past you and exited a secret hole - which collared or not aint gonna help. or B) you can't be bothered waiting for the creature YOU took out there and leave it (this is where a collar could help so you know Yes its still down there) but you will still be waiting.


So I'm sitting on the fence after writing that!! Yes they could come in handy sometimes BUT not where I work (desert- no grass/trees for miles so no sneaking away, and I'm not digging so I need to be patient anyway!!)

:clapper: This is fun and brings a lot of reasons to the surface!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Some off the places i ferreted ..oft had one kill in..used to keep a few old bank/money bags in with ferrets....these would be placed inside the hole the ferret was last seen at...the bags filled with grass ..then the hole blocked up....most time upon returning to the rabbit set in the morning the ferret would be curled up fast asleep inside the said bank back... :clapper:

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