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spend all my working time with tattoo's and tattooists mate and that is not a good tattoo....still gave the lads in work a laugh at lunch time

I know the picture your on about it was on the front of Ed Reids book canine gladiators of old & modern times....im sure someone will have the book and be able to put the picture up for you.   I

:whistling: :whistling:

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Would have to disagree with some of the comments, I like that whippet tat, like the colours, like the art of it, kind of pop art, different. Nope, wouldn't be my cup of tea but I like it never the less.

As for bull tattoo's, if I were looking to get one, i'd go for the 'At Grips' picture that Hosker used to sell, would make a cracker. I used to own it but in a moment of madness let it go. If anyones got it get it up here.

Also there is the Mary Hammond pic, featured in one of the Working Terrier Year Books, its called 'Catching The Bull', it's practically ready made flash, any resonable artist could make a good job of it, BUT a good 'un could change the bull for some 'other' critter and make it there own! :thumbs:

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if thats pete caldwells work i am surprised as one he's a good tattooist and two he says he's been a bit of a dog lad himself.....myself i would suggest a realistic portrait artist to do something like that..... always go to the best not the cheapest....the colour on that looks strange too...but hey it's not my skin.......

good luck fella stay safe hey


It is indeed one of Petes.


The lad who's arm it is has been mates with him for years, it was very new in those pics as you can see from the hair growth.


But like I also said, it ain't my arm so no problem here!


I can't help with that other thing, I don't use, like or work with leather.


All the best


thought it was pete...know him well meself bin in trade a few years now..... thanks for reply on the leather i'll keep researching it

thanks again



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i'm kind of drawn to somethin like this!!


Looks like a canine version of Creighton from Red Dwarf, sorry mate had to be said :tongue2:


I agree that pic is poor, looks as though its been done by a youngster who's trying to learn how to draw.





i agree too but its along those lines!! i was lookin into somethin simple but totally obvious so people dont turn round and say awww nice jack russell :icon_redface: .... what a night mare that would be :icon_redface:





not all that impressive either!!!

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Nice work you do Strong stuff,i thought using the 'Dogs of Velvet and Steel book' in your advert was a nice touch!I remember you could buy the book at the Ed Reid show in Mill hill,London or Ed Reids Advertiser 1988, for £27,most i see it sell for was 1k. @Stoaty,nice tattoo mate,reminds me of my old Wises dog out of Reids Al Capone.

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