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Question regarding the law

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What you have done may be prefectly legal but its proving it nowdays, imagine trying to convince the "authorities" if your pulled with a fresh deer and lurcher, depends on who pulls you.....

if there is terriers and written permission for foxes i suppose it would go in my favour. when beating the deer go everywhere and i cant stop the dog from giving chase

get a beagle or a rifle and put some high seats up then if you cant figure it out yourself, maybe you shouldnt be doing it :victory:

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you may be innocent, but like simo says depends who pulls you if they believe you or not,if it was me id take the dogs home then go back for it without them

If a deer is on your permission, isnt it fare game? Probably wrong, just going by what ive been told in the past!

failing that get the deer to write a witness statment saying it tripped an the dog never touched it

you may be innocent, but like simo says depends who pulls you if they believe you or not,if it was me id take the dogs home then go back for it without them :thumbs:


Bogger You'd be ok fella plod would never believe your dog could pull a deer :whistling: :whistling: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

haha you saying my whippetxjackrussel cant pull a deer :laugh:

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What you have done may be prefectly legal but its proving it nowdays, imagine trying to convince the "authorities" if your pulled with a fresh deer and lurcher, depends on who pulls you.....

if there is terriers and written permission for foxes i suppose it would go in my favour. when beating the deer go everywhere and i cant stop the dog from giving chase

get a beagle or a rifle and put some high seats up then if you cant figure it out yourself, maybe you shouldnt be doing it :victory:

i dont want a high seat beagle or rifle, i want my lurcher n terriers to flush to me :thumbs:

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the answer im looking for is " is it legal to take the deer home if i can prove i did not intentially set out to catch deer?"

you have had your question answered about 5 times :blink: TAKE YOUR DOGS HOME FIRST, THEN GO BACK FOR THE DEER WITHOUT THEM :victory:

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the answer im looking for is " is it legal to take the deer home if i can prove i did not intentially set out to catch deer?"

you have had your question answered about 5 times :blink: TAKE YOUR DOGS HOME FIRST, THEN GO BACK FOR THE DEER WITHOUT THEM :victory:

read the question again!! am i breaking the law??

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failing that get the deer to write a witness statment saying it tripped an the dog never touched it :laugh:

:laugh: :laugh: yes that should cover it, plus any photos of the dog and deer shaking paws/hoofs should help :laugh:

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the answer im looking for is " is it legal to take the deer home if i can prove i did not intentially set out to catch deer?"

you have had your question answered about 5 times :blink: TAKE YOUR DOGS HOME FIRST, THEN GO BACK FOR THE DEER WITHOUT THEM :victory:

read the question again!! am i breaking the law??

well technically no but you no deer are on the land, you no your dogs are capable of killing them, your armed with a shotgun not a rifle so it would be against you to prove otherwise :victory: just carry on regardless and worry about it when the time comes but one thing i would say is to take the dogs home and go back for the deer later :victory:

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the answer im looking for is " is it legal to take the deer home if i can prove i did not intentially set out to catch deer?"

you have had your question answered about 5 times :blink: TAKE YOUR DOGS HOME FIRST, THEN GO BACK FOR THE DEER WITHOUT THEM :victory:

read the question again!! am i breaking the law??

well technically no but you no deer are on the land, you no your dogs are capable of killing them, your armed with a shotgun not a rifle so it would be against you to prove otherwise :victory: just carry on regardless and worry about it when the time comes but one thing i would say is to take the dogs home and go back for the deer later :victory:

thanks mate, advice heeded :thumbs:

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