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forgive my greeness here only just started keeping a few birds a while ago, i've a light sussex bantam sitting on half a dozen MG bantam eggs, have just been given another half dozen eggs would it be ok to put them in with the previous lot, which have been in for 3 days now ? thanks.

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all good advice above


see if you can get hold of a "silky" bantam hen..........they are vert broody, and will sit on a rock and wait for it to hatch :laugh:


as said above....the problem you will have is the time difference between hatchings and the number of eggs she is comfortable sitting on :thumbs:

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I'm currently done to zero bantams thanks to a visit from Tod through a tiny gap in the hedge I'd not spotted and which had been safe for the previous four years!


However, I've always found wyandottes to be particularly broody, though in my case it was a negative as I was after eggs not chicks. I read somewhere about different ways of cooling down their rear-end including a quick bum-dunk in a bucket of water and (the extreme measure) giving them a clutch of ice-cubes to hatch. Well, one of my wyandottes "hatched" several litters of ice-cubes before I gave in and simply locked her out of the run during the day.

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all good advice above


see if you can get hold of a "silky" bantam hen..........they are vert broody, and will sit on a rock and wait for it to hatch :laugh:


as said above....the problem you will have is the time difference between hatchings and the number of eggs she is comfortable sitting on :thumbs:


Good advice. Some folks go for silkie x larger breed hens as sitters. They (Usually) keep the broodiness but can cover more eggs.

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thanks for the feedback, i decided to play it safe and invested in one of the little brinsea mini advance incubators, so the second batch in there now.

be brave man -- what have you got to lose next time try a few -- then you`ll know if it works or not first hand ..like i said the best way to learn -- trial n error ..
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thanks for the feedback, i decided to play it safe and invested in one of the little brinsea mini advance incubators, so the second batch in there now.

be brave man -- what have you got to lose next time try a few -- then you`ll know if it works or not first hand ..like i said the best way to learn -- trial n error ..


Overloading a hen can lead to none of the eggs hatching, it's not always the same egg going cold.

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thanks for the feedback, i decided to play it safe and invested in one of the little brinsea mini advance incubators, so the second batch in there now.

Superb little incubator, i swear by them :thumbs:

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i know what your saying Stig but thought it was the common sense thing to do after reading up it, most advise not adding any more eggs.


well Moll, i did buy it on your recommendation :thumbs:

not saying you`ve done wrong -- i used to add 1 or 2 without any problems ..

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