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I haven't had my HW95K out for a while, mostly due to needing a new scope. While my R10 was back at BSA last year I scoped it up with my Hawke 3-9x50 and dropped 4 or 5 collared doves in an hour or so, but since then, it's been pretty much left to it.


I just invested in a Hawke SR12 6-18x44 AO for my R10, so finally was able to fit the other to my 95 on a more permanent basis. Spent a little while zeroing up on Wednesday, and this morning was able to get out to one of my permissions with it.


Anyway, not much of a story to it, but I dropped one bunny with my first shot as soon as I was out of the car. I missed a second right after. After that, I had a little wander around but nothing productive appeared.


Not a big bag, but definitely one of the most fun I've had in a while.


Here's the photo.



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nice one ron, you cant beat a bit of red hot springer action mate!!


glad you got the '95 out, and had the crack buddy. somehow just one great shot with a springer is just so much more satisfying and, well, so much more fun than filling your boots with a pcp. i'm totally addicted to old school airgunning now, its not filling the freezer but it is providing soul food :thumbs:


cheers, wurz

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Lovely looking riflestock Ron. I haven't seen one of such a light "golden" shade of beech on a Weihrauch spring rifle before.


Great shot on the bunny. And you'll love the Hawke 6-18x44 SR12 scope for your R-10. Calibrate it on Hawke's chairgun software and you'll be deadly with it. From using Si Pittaway's R-10/Hawk scope set-up on a high mount, set it on 15-mag and zero your rifle on the third mildot down/first tiebar at 35-metres range. Each of the corresponding dots should now be zeroed at 25 metres centre-to-centre, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50 and 55 metres on the last tiebar at the bottom of the ladderscale.


I use the very same scope on my HW77 and I love it to bits how well it performs with my beloved rifle, zeroed this way. :thumbs:



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Thanks everyone. Wurz, I know how you feel about feeding the soul mate. If I'd been out with my R10, I'd have felt disappointed with just the one in the bag, but as it was, I couldn't stop myself smiling for most of the day. I can't see myself using the '95 as my first choice from now on, but I'll be sure that I don't leave it so long before I get it out again!


Shay, all good here thanks mate - I just realised I never got back to you about the DR5. I'll PM you as soon as I finish typing this mate.


Simon, thanks for that info. Managed to pick the SR12 up for £50 on ebay and it was only about 15 miles from home too. It's pristine, and I'm sure I'll get on with it very well. As for the stock on my '95 - that's my own handiwork. Having had that rifle since I was 12 (I'm 26 now), as you can imagine it was my pride and joy, so after I laid it down on the utility room worktop, and then came back into the room knocking the rifle onto the concrete floor at the age of 14, I was devastated with the state of the stock, so I set about stripping it! All in all, I did it about three times before I was happy, using different methods. This one is just oiled and polished with a stock oil that I was given as a gift - I assume it was meant for walnut, but I'm pleased with how it looks now; makes it personal!

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:thumbs: Well, you've certainly done a lovely job on restoring it Ron. The stock and the rifle as a whole look mint new. The Hawke 3-9x50 scope you have mounted on it here compliments the rifle very well I think.


Don't let your R-10 keep you from the skills you have developed with your Weihrauch HW95K. Not everyone can shoot such a great spring rifle with precision accuracy Ron. It's a great skill to have when the pre-charged gun goes tech! For me personaly, it's lovely to just enjoy the simple technology and brilliant accuracy of shooting a rifle that's feels alive with every shot.

I'll never shoot seriously with anything else as far as air power goes. :thumbs:


All the best with your shooting Ron.



Edited by pianoman
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