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gameness, hardness and prey drive

Guest dances

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i think a dog being game and having massive prey drive is the same thing both being that when the going gets tough they keep going regardless of what pain or hardship might come their way their only thought to get to what they are after be it a lurcher or terrier same applies to both .hardness how do you define that when talking about a dog i had a bitch that would back off from even the smallest dog even a toy dog but only had one gear when out in the feild whether on big stuff or small. she was the best lurcher i have ever owned in 40 odd years of keeping running dogs but this bitch would back off from any dog that confronted her or looked at her the wrong way.but i defy anyone to say she wasnt hard just my opinion .

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silly talk

so a dog that will try and take anything PREY DRIVE ????   HARDNESS a dog that can take a foxs ect ect and do the job     GAMENESS a dog that will try even when out on his feet some dogs will d

If gameness is having a 'fighting spirit', especially in the face of difficult odds.   Could a lurcher not be game??? Depending on the situation you put it in? I would say it could.   Obviously no

  On 27/05/2011 at 09:41, dances said:

i notice alot of people use what i feel is the wrong word, e.g when people say an untried, unstarted pup is game. so im putting what i feel is the definition of them.


Prey drive - the want to catch someth, for example crashing a hedge to make a catch


Gameness - knowing that the fox is going to bite them but still catching it


Hardness - inflicting damage to a fox and take more damage then required e.g some bull crosses catch and just hold the same place having extensive damage done to then rather then quickly changing hold or shaking

the three words mean the same word in the working dog world...(nonjacker)

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Guest dances

I disagree dai, cus I got a bitch here that's jacked but still has enough drive to catch even alone just not the gameness ( I believe this to be the right context) to do the job

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  On 27/05/2011 at 11:02, johnny boy68 said:

Don't mistake a dog that can smash something half its weight as game. :no:


I would imagine if you said to somebody who matched dogs in the pit "my lurcher is game" you'd be laughed at.



very true as it would be wrong turn of words as you said earlier..game dog {match dog} or game cocks... i agree with you mate..:gunsmilie:

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  On 27/05/2011 at 19:12, dances said:

I disagree dai, cus I got a bitch here that's jacked but still has enough drive to catch even alone just not the gameness ( I believe this to be the right context) to do the job

when the (jacked) word comes into it all other excusess or words mean fxck all..cheers dai..

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  On 27/05/2011 at 09:41, dances said:

i notice alot of people use what i feel is the wrong word, e.g when people say an untried, unstarted pup is game. so im putting what i feel is the definition of them.


Prey drive - the want to catch someth, for example crashing a hedge to make a catch


Gameness - knowing that the fox is going to bite them but still catching it


Hardness - inflicting damage to a fox and take more damage then required e.g some bull crosses catch and just hold the same place having extensive damage done to then rather then quickly changing hold or shaking

i think the definition of gameness is when the will to dominate/kill is more than the will to survive usually reffered to in fighting dogs :thumbs:

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Guest dances

Well that's you opinion dai, the little bitch I'm on about is an excellent little catch bitch and worth keeping for her ability even if she hasn't got the drive for biteback. On the other hand she's a 23tts little mongrel but if one of the bullxs jacked they'd be gone like the others.

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gameness = dog on dog, man on man the only true test of gameness is one on one either up hill or pound for pound!

pray drive = the out and out drive to catch the intended pray

hardness = the amount of stick a dog can take and still continue to catch of hold its pray



nicked from a prevoius post on this subject was writen about previous staffords i have owned.


my point was not that you do not get gameness and pray drive in the same dog, just that in my very very limited experience it seems to be one or the other,


i have had dogs rotivate the tarmac to get to other dogs (and i am under no illusion this means gameness),,

but take them out in the field and they could not give a toss,

But others could not give a toss about other dogs but go wild when you get the lamp out,,


The thinking was simple,


Wolfs hunt and have a very simple pack structure, at some point one of the dogs will challenge the alpha,

When this happens the two of them will try just about everything not to fight, threat displays etc,,

The point being any injury would then potentially risk not being able to hunt, therefore survive,

To breed a dog to be "game" for long enough to ignore all of these instincts, you must surely lose hunting instinct?


Could be wrong just a thought,


but then again this could just be an excuse for owning shite dogs,, ha ha


all the best,



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a dog thats too game ends up dead in the hands of idiots so its a good job some dogs have self preservation on their minds or they`d be less dogs about so lets get a thread up that worth replying to fukcing pricks :thumbdown:

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Gameness can be appiled to anything not just pit dogs,

it has nothing to do with agression, you could put two fighting dogs

together to fight and neather could have gameness,


Gameness is giveing his/her all under any conditions and never quiting no matter what,

that could apply to someone mountian climbing, someone running a marithon

or a lurcher who's after its pray.


Worth reading what game means!


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  On 27/05/2011 at 22:25, chook1 said:

Gameness can be appiled to anything not just pit dogs,

it has nothing to do with agression, you could put two fighting dogs

together to fight and neather could have gameness,


Gameness is giveing his/her all under any conditions and never quiting no matter what,

that could apply to someone mountian climbing, someone running a marithon

or a lurcher who's after its pray.


Worth reading what game means!


good read that nice one thumbs.gif

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  On 27/05/2011 at 22:15, fidodido said:

a dog thats too game ends up dead in the hands of idiots so its a good job some dogs have self preservation on their minds or they`d be less dogs about so lets get a thread up that worth replying to fukcing pricks :thumbdown:



:blink: ??? :blink:

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