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fox trap position

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have a fox coming into yard in daytime taking chickens , i have a live trap on the go with a dead smelly chicken as bait , floor of the trap is always covered in hay/soil and there is no movement in the trap.

its been set up for weeks now and have tried various places where the fox has been known to walk but im still having no joy with this wiley one.


also the sliding door of the trap is a piece of ply and when set obviously sits high , would this be like waving a big flag and need to be replaced with a mesh door instead?


ive just read about bait position in trap , i have the bird hanging so will change it this morning so it is laying on the floor


any other ideas?

Edited by chimp
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  On 26/05/2011 at 07:16, Richie10 said:

Wouldn't hang the bait personally, also I would try something that is not something he is used to, like dog food.

Works for me.


the wire is attached directly to the bait so i will have to run the wires elsewhere if im going to have the bait laying (which i will do today)


this fox is a tuffy , its taken 4 ducks and countless hens now

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  On 26/05/2011 at 07:21, chimp said:
  On 26/05/2011 at 07:16, Richie10 said:

Wouldn't hang the bait personally, also I would try something that is not something he is used to, like dog food.

Works for me.


the wire is attached directly to the bait so i will have to run the wires elsewhere if im going to have the bait laying (which i will do today)


this fox is a tuffy , its taken 4 ducks and countless hens now

If you know its runs than put a couple of snares out....... :thumbs:

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  On 26/05/2011 at 07:24, lab-tastic said:
  On 26/05/2011 at 07:21, chimp said:
  On 26/05/2011 at 07:16, Richie10 said:

Wouldn't hang the bait personally, also I would try something that is not something he is used to, like dog food.

Works for me.


the wire is attached directly to the bait so i will have to run the wires elsewhere if im going to have the bait laying (which i will do today)


this fox is a tuffy , its taken 4 ducks and countless hens now

If you know its runs than put a couple of snares out....... :thumbs:


snares are out of the question as i have limited knowledge.

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  On 26/05/2011 at 07:21, chimp said:
  On 26/05/2011 at 07:16, Richie10 said:

Wouldn't hang the bait personally, also I would try something that is not something he is used to, like dog food.

Works for me.


the wire is attached directly to the bait so i will have to run the wires elsewhere if im going to have the bait laying (which i will do today)


this fox is a tuffy , its taken 4 ducks and countless hens now



I had the same but it also had a non working treadplate, I run some strong nylon to the plate from the trigger. Reason I put fishing line as the last time a fox got it's leg caught in the wire, nylon they can bite through.

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ive only had sucsess with fox cage traps when ive set the trap inside of buildings, ive used dead chickens for bait that the fox has killed. ive placed the trap against a wall and surounded it with bales of straw ect so that it can only get to the bait via the entrance of the trap.

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This might sound daft but I havent seen the layout

Can You proof prevent the fox from getting at the birds,or shut them in for a couple of nights at least

How big is the fox trap

I have caught loads of foxes with hanging birds so I dont think thats a problem

Are you setting the trap alongside something a building or fence

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  On 26/05/2011 at 15:36, heart of wales said:

This might sound daft but I havent seen the layout

Can You proof prevent the fox from getting at the birds,or shut them in for a couple of nights at least

How big is the fox trap

I have caught loads of foxes with hanging birds so I dont think thats a problem

Are you setting the trap alongside something a building or fence


the trap has now been moved along side the enclosure for the chickens , when i checked it this morning i got excited as some of the hay and dirt had been kicked out of the trap and the chickens head was missing so i presumed the trap hadent gone off .

15 mins later the farmer said the chickens had been running round the farm fighting over something and had scratched all the hay and dirt out of the trap lol ooops


the birds are now locked away until we get it

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  On 26/05/2011 at 17:58, chimp said:
  On 26/05/2011 at 15:36, heart of wales said:

This might sound daft but I havent seen the layout

Can You proof prevent the fox from getting at the birds,or shut them in for a couple of nights at least

How big is the fox trap

I have caught loads of foxes with hanging birds so I dont think thats a problem

Are you setting the trap alongside something a building or fence


the trap has now been moved along side the enclosure for the chickens , when i checked it this morning i got excited as some of the hay and dirt had been kicked out of the trap and the chickens head was missing so i presumed the trap hadent gone off .

15 mins later the farmer said the chickens had been running round the farm fighting over something and had scratched all the hay and dirt out of the trap lol ooops


the birds are now locked away until we get it


think the bigest mistake your making is moving your trap around,them fox dont like to see new things on they travel route that wasnt there the day before.it spooks them,and tend to give any thing new a wide birth.... decide where you going to set the trap,baite it and let it stay there.fox soon get used to seing it and feel more confident then :thumbs:

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