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take care

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Hi all just a wee tale about a stalk this morning that could have been my last .

I was on the ground for 4.30 am not a bad morning at least it was dry and no gales as i made my up to a sheltred area on the highest fields of rape i glassed a roe buck that was feeding just below an old wall around a wood that separates the arable from the heather i stalked up the hill to get within 200 yds then crouching allong the other side of the wall i could see the buck of to my right along this old wall ,still about 150 yds ,down on hands and knees to get to a part of the wall that had collapsed bipod down rifle up he was standing about 70yds off i droped him clean with a heart shot ,I then pulled him on to a grass bank to do the gralloch pulled out my knife and bled the buck just as i was about to tie off the asophogoeus ( shit speller)I heard a really loud CRACK BANG as i looked up a tree was sliding down another tree it was at this point that the knife went one way i ran the other passing sheep deer as I went faster than a speeding bullet at the speed of a 243 at least

Heart racing gasping for air i sat on a bank to catch my breath the stupidest thing went through my mind was I WISH ROBBO HAD BEEN HERE TO CATCH THAT ON CAMERA.

There are trees lying all over the place up here .

Please be carefull anywhere near trees after the storms we had this week


Ps I had to go home and have a dram or two after that.

Keep smiling Hoolit

Edited by Hoolit
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