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The brinsea mini advance enough.

This superb little incubator just never fails. I've never had any early dis, and hatch rates are much better than any of the other bators i use.

Serama are notoriously difficult to hatch and today I have 10 out of 12 eggs have either hatched or are just about too. The 2 late dis may be due to the recent problems of a drive in the country Plus 2 power cuts.

Fantastic all round vision, easy to keep clean, and easy to use. I just put a teeny bit of water in at the start, a teeny bit in mid way when i candle then another teeny (And i mean teeny) bit of water 2 days prior to hatch date.

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No Paid, have not used one, nor will i. They are not rated very highly amongst most poultry people, they cannot get to the temp required for a lot of breeds.

I use these... http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&q=electric+hen&meta=#q=electric+hen&hl=en&prmd=ivns&source=univ&tbm=shop&tbo=u&sa=X&ei=NPTcTbn6K9OEhQe7ppmqDw&ved=0CDcQrQQ&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=2c1a18cee0ef4d7a&biw=1274&bih=890

Can get them in several different sizes :thumbs:

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i would say 10/12 is more about how you keep your birds than the inucbator :thumbs:


What do you mean please JR?

I also run a Octagon 20 Advance with autoturn cradle, with auto pump, i don't get as good results as i do in the mini, although i need to experiment more with the humidity, that may be the key?


Paid, you can probably get more chicks under them also. But if something works for you, then stick with it, i think Brinsea have made alterations to the newer ones, Brinsea are a fantastic company for listening to people and getting things sorted :thumbs:

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meaning only good birds will produce those results. well fed on the correct diet and in good condition.


hobby incubators are a very good fun tool but can vary greatly between machines even, its just a case of getting it correct for the machine you have, some will always be better than others. im currently running 2 r-com pros, 1 definitely gets better results than the other although both are on auto and running the same eggs on same settings. 1 also uses alot more water than the other.


i did find that the brinsea type rockers (i ran several at the same time at busy times)benefited from some more vigorous turning in the first week.ie additional hand turning.

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